Wednesday, 31 December 2014

happy new year!

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Oh what the hell... anyone out there?! I miss you all! This has been the year of no internet and not much motivation to glam up (focusing on the writing, and happy to be doing so), but thought I'd pop in to say Happy New Year, here's to 2015 and may it be as happy for all of us as 2014 has been for me!


Vergangenheitshang said...

Happy New Year to you too! :)

TheHeadlessMannequin said...

Happy New Year to you too...hope it's even better than 2014 :) And hopefully we'll be seeing a little more of you around these parts too :)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Kezzie said...

Emily!!!!!!! I missed you!!

Closet Fashionista said...

Hehe! Happy New Year!!
(sometimes I wish I could just disconnect from it all for a while. sadly my job is on the computer so I can't avoid it ;)

Monique said...

Happy New Year Emily!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy new year - I still enjoy your updates when they pop up in my feed! That's a gorgeous photo.

C.G. Koens said...

Good to see your smiling face. Happy New Year!

summertime dreams said...

Still here! Glad to know you're still alive and kicking and hope to see you in my feed more often. I totally understand if you need to extend your break though. Wishing you all the best in health and happiness in 2015!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you're still in my feeds, so I'll see if you pop up. Good luck with the writing!

Ashley said...

I'm here :)

And I LOOOOOOVE that photo of you and Victor! When can I read the english version of the book?

Annebeth said...

I'm late, but super happy new year to you two!