Oh hello again. It's been at least two weeks since I last showed my face around here. In part, this is because I've been walking with my sister through Galicia for over a week, and a laptop definitely didn't make the cut for things I wanted to carry around on my back all that time. But in truth, I haven't known what to say around here much at all the last few months (note my dismal lack of posts).
Life got in the way. My relationship of five years ended, and I've been torn on posting, not wanting to hurt various people (which didn't work). It was a hard few months for everyone involved, and sometimes it still is. I was glad to disappear with my family for over a month, although I didn't have any epiphanies while away from it all. Instead, in the time-honoured tradition of newly-separated women, I dyed my hair (the above colour is the sensible compromise--I was initially thinking pastel pink).
Anyway, I'm back! And have some catching up to do...