More linen and its wrinkles, but I felt this was a perfect outfit for a day on the coast. We went to Sant Pol de Mar, a little town about an hour out of Barcelona, wandered around town, bought typical Catalan shoes (hehe) and sandwiches to eat on the beach. I made my first foray into topless beach going, which is pretty much the norm in Catalonia, and have to say that it's far superior to fiddling about with bikini tops. And swimming in the waves without holding your swimsuit on is kind of like being a kid again!
I've been tying all my blouses in front all summer... I can't believe this is one of the first times it occurs on my blog! I bought this vintage top on my trip to New York in April... I always get a special happiness out of wearing things bought on holiday. : ) The shorts were from H&M's Wateraid Collection, which actually had a lot of cute, retro and good quality designs. I've been living in them.

Photos by Albert
vintage blouse, H&M Wateraid collection shorts, Primark Espadrilles (later Catalan Espardenyes) my sister's anchor necklace. And crazy hair courtesy of sand and salt water.
Great outfit! The background matches it perfectly too : )
Some villages in the Costa Brava, like Sant Pol, had an special charm. Woman un top-less... sounds nice!!
lovely outfit^^
you are so beautiful)
love chic outfit the holidays nice.
The perfect beach going outfit!
I would never go topless swimming here - mostly because the girls who do it down at bondi seem to do it with a mind towards exhibitionism. Or at least the fact that every-man and his dog on that beach has a camera and goes snap-happy. But when I have gone skinny dipping in deserted lakes at night, or smaller uninhabbited beaches I have loved it - you're totally right - such a sense of freedom!
@Rebeccak: I think I'd feel the same in Vancouver... actually I don't think it's even allowed except on the nude beach which is full of exhibitionists too. But here it's completely casual. I'd say at least 50% of the local women do it, of all shapes and sizes, and the men don't seem to blink. Well, the tourists in Barcelona might blink, but there weren't any in Sant Pol!
Emilly. I agree with you.
I love this outfit...it's very retro and you picked the perfect location to wear it to :)
Love the outfit, the top is super cute with the shorts. I've never tried topless sunbathing, I'm not sure I'd be brave enough apart from on a very deserted beach! xx
You look happy and relaxed in these pics! I love the outfit and its sailor-esque vibe.
And about topless sunbathing, I tried it once just for fun but had to stop because my skin is too sensitive in general and even if I put on my suncream my breast hurt a lot because it was sunburnt -_-
@Jul: Eep! That's definitely one of my nightmares. After I received the world's worst sunburn in 2008 (tatooed on bikini from August until after Christmas) I always lie under an umbrella, and basically don't leave the house without 50 spf!
These pictures make me miss the sunshine so much!
Totally love your shirt n shoes!!!
Bird Watch-Tawny Eagle
so retro the up waist shorts!
besos desde Salonica!
Glorious glorious glorious. It needed to be said at least three times. I love the red striped top (been trying to find one myself) and the entire nautical outfit. Favourited!
Arianne from A + B in the Sea
I love the outfit, red and blue is for sure one of my favourite combinations. And even though I don´t think I could ever go topless, the way you describe it makes it seem really liberating.
And I love the "typical catalan shoes", we have them in Portugal too and we call them "alpercatas". I´ve been thinking of getting a pair as well.
Here, many people do bath topless, but unfortunally, the young people dont. It has even been on our national news as nakedness is considered a part of my culture and so is the pride of how we look. But it sure great, not to have to wear a bikini top all the time.
I have to say that the shirt is cute, I like the pattern as it reminds me about a sort of sweet. :)
The perfect beach look! You look gorgeous of course :)
Ohhh this is the perfect summer outfit, it looks so comfortable yet still so chic! Love the cute striped blouse <3 x
Very cute. And I think tied blouses are the height of delight!
It looks like a very relaxing place! I love love your oufit, perfect navy style.
You look like the epitome of summer, reminds me of a part of The notebook movie, love the top brought from NYC!
Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries
This is the perfect mix of retro and nautical--an outfit made for vacation! And that topless beach sounds so liberating!
this is the perfect beach look! so retro and chic :) xo
Topless beach! You're braver than I. I'd be scared for my poor little tatas' skin, never having seen the sun before!
Also, my boyfriend swears that linen garments looks best when it's wrinkled. Not sure where he got that one from, but the outfit is adorable either way.
-Julia Topaz
this outfit is a slam dunk. (what ever the hell that means). Seriously so awesome. Like perfect. I don't even have the words. I adore that vintage blouse and those shorts look like something i'd wana wear everyday..
Glad you liked Magic! magic roses, they are touring with a pretty big band this summer which is so good for them. I love those ladys!
p.s. that sailboat necklace =devine
i'm back!! and i had an AMAZING time out west... it's been a bit of a rough transition.
you look absolutely lovely and retro-summery in this getup. skinnydipping is absolutely the only way to swim--but i've only ever gone under the cover of darkness (many times in the various lakes and ponds around here and once while rather intoxicated at a fancy resort in st maarten). i don't think i would be brave enough to do it at a populated beach under the summer sun!
Man that is like my dream top. I've been wanting something with vertical stripes, & not only is this blouse just that, it is also my other two current favorite things- button-up & tie front. This is such a perfect beach outfit! That second photo is so cute. ^_^
oh lawd, i want to be where you are. :)
it looks so beautiful ..as do you.
i love your top..i have been reallllly into cropped/tied tops this summer.
have a wonderful week love..
that is a fantastic blouse, I could see myself living in that top. Love that last shot.
total pin up girl, i love it :)
you look like straight out of a movie! Very 1920's, love it!
I give you so much credit for being brave enough to swim topless! I know there's a cultural difference, but I'd probably be arrested if I went swimming topless, hehe. Even if that wasn't the case, I'd probably still be too much of a wimp to do it!
Anyway, I love this summery outfit! It's the kind of thing I wish I wore on the fourth of July. Such a cute look!
Hou la la, so Brigitte Bardot, j'adore!
I went topless once on Côte d'Azur and I certainly appreciate you courage! Now I'm old and I just stay in the shade...
Virginie ♥
So so cute Emily I love this classic look. I agree, I went swimming topless along the oaxaca coast and loved it. it was actually a nude beach but i only went topless. glad you are enjoying these dog days of summer lady.
As soon as I saw the little icon photo from this post in my reader, I knew I would love it! This outfit is so perfect for summer- nautical, vintage...just divine! I love the little knot on your top as well!
You look stunning! I love the retro vibe to this, so chic for the coast!
lyndsey of hellolyndsey
This outfit is Summer perfection!
This looks soooo retro!
this outfit could not be better if you tried: perfection!! I want to wear it RIGHT NOW :-D
about my internship: I'm the PA of a freelance journalist, but she does all kinds of things like help setting up media strategies for brands, thinking out photoshoots and campaigns, writing for all kinds of magazines etc etc so I get to do all those things too!
What a gorgeous summery look - you remind me of a fifties pin up :) Sally x
I love this outfit!! It is the epitome of the best beach outfit with the striped blouse knotter and linen short plus espadrilles. You look fantastic, and I am happy you got those shorts! Did get the skirt too? I tried 3 pairs of high waisted shorts yesterday at Mango but they all had something wrong once I put them on :(
PS: Oh and admire you for braving the topless mark, I don't think I could ever do it even if it was the norm.
amazing shoes:)
your newest follower Michelle
Gorgeous outfit! I love your shirt paired with the skirt! *sigh* your photos are so lovely, they make me miss summer!
{Ramblings Of A Teenage Daydreamer}
Oh, I should have know about the Catalan flag! My bad! So cool you live in Barcelona (or nearby) ^^ It was a beautiful city and apart from London (sorry *blush*) the best shopping experience EVAH! I just LOVE the sales in Stradivarius. €18 for a dress, cardigan and blouse? yes please! haha ^^ Oh, I forgot what I was going to say next. Anywhoo, i love these shorts on you! ^^ you look amazing :) Hope you are having a great day! Loves, Nikki
Oh, I remember again! Yes, I went hiking in a white lace dress. BUT, I stayed on the paths and didn't make it dirty! I don't actually have decent hiking gear, except for the sandals ^^ It was only a small hiking trail we did :) x
chic and kinda vintage!lovely look.the shirt is so beautiful.stripes are the best ;)
Please take me everywhere in your suitcase. x hivenn
You always seem to go on the most enchanted little journeys! Gosh, I would love to join you:) Anyways, you look like a vintage beauty here. Amazing top and the location of course is stunning. I did always wonder what it would be like to go to one of those beaches.
Ooh love this outfit, the blouse is awesome! :)
You are so 40s and I love it!!!!! I think this outfit would put me in a good mood :)
love your blouse tied in front, your look goes so perfectly with you at the beach and with sailboats! Props for venturing to the topless beach! Don't forget extra sunblock! (Actually what I think about most with topless sunbathing : )
@dusanabotswana: Definitely I have extra sunblock! And also a big beach umbrella. I don't really do sunbathing anymore. : )
Just DARLING. I love the blouse tied at the front, showing off the retro high waist of the shorts. Your espadrilles are adorable, I really like how they're close-toed with a pop of brilliant blue. And the little anchor necklace is such a cute touch. It sounds like you had an amazing day! Now I really want to swim topless...
This outfit is retro perfection! You look like you stepped right out of a Gidget film!
I'm with the girl who commented before me calling this outfit ''retro perfection'' - yes, yes! I would love to romp around the beach in this. And in either pair of shoes!
I think this is my favorite outfit of yours.
Then again, I say that constantly. I'm the wolf who cried 'great outfit!'.
Really though. And your figure! Gah!
That is the perfect outfit for the beach. I've been tying shirts a lot too.
well look at you, miss pinup! this outfit reminds me of those 1950s jetset travel photos of glamorous, pretty young things on holiday and you definitely fit the part m'lady :)
Beautiful images and outift, I'm reminded of European cinema heroines:)
These photos are totally gorgeous!! Love the blouse SO much :) I'm supposed to be going to Barcelona this year and this has inspired me to even more!
Just stumbled across your blog and I love it. I'm your newest follower! Would love if you'd visit my blog and follow back :)
This is such a perfect outfit! I love the way you tie your blouses, Emily...very retro. I will have to emulate!
This look is SO cute on you! Love everything about it! I am such a fan of anything nautical :)
"crazy hair courtesy of sand and salt water."- great line. I want to start tying any of my blouses in the front now too. the look is great. and the backdrop suits it perfectly.
i love everything about this outfit! those espadrilles are divine...send some warm beach weather my way please!
This is just a classic look!
The wrinkles on the linen shorts look like they are part of the design, though! I love this nautical outfit. It looks deathly hot in Barcelona...I probably won't survive two days there.
Such a lovely top ! Cute look.
just found your blog via maria! and i'm in love already. i spent fall semester in barcelona & i seriously left my heart there. way to rock the catalan shoes :) and i love the laidback, classic feel of this outfit.
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