Did you know that London looked like this? I didn't. Here is the wonderfully other-worldly Regents Canal, which runs close to my house, and is always full of colourful houseboats. I wasn't sure about posting these since they're a little random and I've come to the conclusion that I need my blog to be a bit more coherent and consistent. However, I've been loving the fact that I live in London recently, so I thought I'd share a snapshot before I jet away for Christmas (weather permitting, pleeeease don't snow)!
Today one of my lecturers encouraged all of us in the class to start a blog, as it can help you get a job. Fair enough, but this is what he actually said: "You should be posting all your academic work online. In a couple of months you'll have about 2,000 subscribers."
Just let me know if you'd subscribe to a blog of my academic writings. ; ) Speaking of which, time I got back to them...
So Dickensian, this reminds me of a scene in Our Mutual Friend, when this area probably really was in the country.
This walk, like all good British rambles, finished in the pub. Cheers!
Awesome pictures. I have not seen this part of London.
You professor is right about academic blog but slightly off with subscription number. I think he is off by 1998. I will let you figure out if you want to add 1998 to 2000 or ........
howzit, such a great south african term! (or maybe you picked it up somewhere else?)
i definitely did not expect this to be london. i must go back and take a closer look next time!
PS i know what you mean about being torn about the holidays, sometimes i get quite sad when i know i can't do much for people in need... but i suppose i have conditioned myself to feel hopeful in times like that, for better or worse!
keep up the great travel pics!
Haha! The perfect finish :)
Always love the long boats along the river here too, though it can't be fun heating one of those homes in the winter *brrrr*
I'll just skirt the academic writing query and walk off whistling innocently, ok? ;)
wow those pictures are so pretty, it looks really beautiful there
I think the professor might be a little overzealous with the blog!
I haven't seen this part of London, and I've been three times ;) Looks like I'll have to go back...oh shoot, that means I'll have to TRAVEL again. Oh well...
That must have been a really nice walk, according to the pictures!
Love the photos! So fun :D
I can't wait to go to London this summer and explore! haha :D
Beautiful pictures!!
One word: jealousy! I want to get back to London soon! beautiful places and warm pubs sounds lovely!
I think a blog is a good place to be heard, but 2000 followers just seems a bit much no?
Hope you get nice weather to travel? When will you be going to Barcelona?
Oh I miss London. Lovely pictures and I think your Prof is a little off reality. I doubt you will have 2000 readers ... even Fashion blogs take an year to get that many! :P
gorgeous photo's! glad to be in the loop of your blog again
Such a pretty walk to have so close to home! It looks like it's a very good stroll for clearing one's head or just contenting with life.
Oh, and Stef's comment regarding the academic blog gave me quite a laugh! :)
These photos are lovely! I never knew there was a canal like this in London. I lived in Edinburgh for 5 years and only in the last few months of living there did I discover that they have a beautiful canal. I don't know how I missed it!
Sooo funny about your professor and his "academic writings" blog!
Emily, I for one would actually READ your academic writings. These pics reminded me of the Sylvia Plath film. There was a scene when she and Ted Hughes are rowing together.
Haha, thank you Terri, I feel very appreciated! So that's one follower then! ; D
how nice. i love living in a city, but it is nice to find a quiet, leafy spot every now and then. especially when there is a drink waiting at the end of the walk! :)
aw this is so pretty -- you're right i would never thing that this would be a part of london! but i love little "nature" hideaways in the middle of cities :) and your comment about your professor made me laugh -- definitely a little skewed xo
So adorable! I am visiting Britain in the summertime and I am beyond excited. If you have any suggestions on must sees, let me know :)
xo Lynzy
hey gf so your London photos have become exciting x10 because this chica WILL BE IN YOUR NECK OF THE WOODS CIRCA MAY 2011! Grant and I are finally going to Europe for vacation and London is one of our stops so don't be surprised when you hear a knock on your door, open it, and see me on the other side ;)
Gorgeous photos!! Looks like such a great time!
oh my gosh, i had no idea that london had bits like this! this is stunning! ah, you are so, so, so lucky to live there...
Such pretty pictures. I want to go to there!
Embracing Style
Hahaa! Your professor is a total gem. And I knew there were little havens like this in London, but never bothered to explore. I guess when something is right in my backyard I become a tad aloof. Lovely photos. Still looking fall-like for you there. Different from everything else I've heard and read about incessant snow
don't you dare hesitate to post beautiful photographs of your charming surroundings! one of the things that i think makes your blog especially fun is that it's about fashion AND exploring new places (since you're always somewhere new, it seems!)
i love it. don't ever change :)
Amazing! I wish I could jump in your suitcase and come with you. London is on the top of my 'to go to'wish list. Hope you have so much fun love. Great blog!!! x
It looks like the locks in downtown Ottawa, by the Chateau Laurier and the Parliament Hill - beautiful spot!
Come say Bonjour at:
i love that your day finished in a pub! i wish i was there!! i feel like youd be an awesome person to grab a pint with and talk and talk.
i'm so glad you posted these pictures, its lovely to see a calmer area of london! what a perfect ending to the day too haha!
Your professor must be some kind of superblogger eh?
So far my blog has not gotten me a job, nor do I have 2,000 subscribers, but then I don't post academic work...
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