Changing room lurkings is back! Longish-time readers may remember when I went to Urban Outfitters and tried on all the tba dresses I couldn't afford, and blogged about it. It was strangely therapeutic. I still couldn't afford them, but after blogging about them I felt like I didn't need them after all, I'd already "had them" in a way. And these days I'm inclined to think of them and sniff "£150 and it was still polyester velvet--hrmph."
So today we're going to that powerhouse of Barcelona fashion, Desigual. For some reason, Desigual gets largely ignored by bloggers, who prefer the infinite blandness and frequent poor quality that is Zara (cough, and 'sorry,' to the devoted Zara fans...) But I kind of love Desigual. It's crazy, colourful, clashing, and if the label said "Marc by Marc Jacobs" instead, it wouldn't be much of a stretch and everyone would be drooling over it. But my favourite thing about Desigual is that in their clothes, your chipping red and green Christmas nailpolish is no longer a lazy afterthought, it's the only reasonable manicure to have. So there! ; )
First up: I have too many coats already....
But I could probably make room in my heart and on the back of my door for this one. It's electric blue, I'm mad for plaid, the buttons are multicoloured, and the various coloured safety pins could be romoved. I'm all for colour in the winter; otherwise I kind of look like warmed up play-dough...
I definitely have too many dresses but...
Three patterns, an innumerable array of colours, sleeves... Unfortunately, there are three Emilys in the above picture and not one of them gets to take home this dress, due to mad inflation at Desigual in the last few years. Bah.
I'm not even a hearts person, but for you I would make an exception.
See you all again on New Years' Eve, when hopefully I will have a rough draft of paper #1, at the cost of a few more wrinkles...
That dress is sooo fun!!!!! Haha :D
And yea...thats what I was thinking about the shoes too, I really love them but they don't feel totally me...*sigh* haha...but I don't know if its worth it to return them because I think I can only get store I'd have to sell them on eBay or pay more to get another item from net-a-porter...haha (read it with a drag please!) only two? I came expecting more.
The purple coat is an instant hit; but the dress I would skip at any cost...
Enjoy and have a wonderful New Years!
Who in the world would expect a paper this time of the year?! Poor you...
@NRIGirl: I'm trying to put myself in the way of less temptation! And yep, three papers. Absolutely uncalled for for this time of year!
You really are amazing. I've always loved Disgual, just never really found a shop/way too expensive. Love these. A lot, woo prints. x
Wow! so in love with the different prints on that dress, they are all so unique and pretty! btw looks great on you! ... Can't wait to see what you wear on NYE!
Hi Emily! I think you're the only person I "know" who doesn't like Zara, ha, ha
I love the coat, but I think the designer was high or something when he was designing the dress.
Happy 2011!
Awesome pictures. Really good one.
Happy New Year. I was on a trip and just came back last night. Catching up on blogs now. :)))
@Marta: haha, I have at least my sisters and my boyfriend for company in disliking Zara! And yeah, the dress is a bit mad, but I guess I always prefer to err on the side of too much than too little!
@A: welcome back. I hope the trip was for pleasure and not business!
Actually Desigual was quite popular last winter here in Portugal, some stores copied their coats and made poor quality versions of them haha, but it is quite expensive, and too much colourful and pattern clashing for my taste. No way I would pay 200 euros or more for a coat that I know I'd hardly wear.
You are really the only person I know that hates Zara :P my sister and I would live in it if possible haha, but you know that about me already ;)
Hope you have a good new years eve! I am dying to get 2011 here, because I know it'll be so much better than 2010!
PS: I GOT A VELVET DRESS TODAY (sorry for the capitals but that's just how excited I am!). I found it at the Pregnant section of C&A which is a strange place to find such dress but, anyway, it was all I wanted, black, long sleeved and only cost me €9.50 with the sales going on :D so yeah, I broke my shopping ban again, but who cares?
@Raquel! Great! That's awesome... never underestimate the maternity section!
And yeah, we'll agree to disagree on the Z word, but we knew that. Desigual can definitely be too clashy sometimes though, I agree with that!
Hooray! I loved when you did this the first time at UO and was hoping you'd do more. I've never heard of Desigual but I love love love how the stuff seeems a little bit more quirky than your usual Zara fare. The dress you are wearing with all the different prints is amazing.
Have a happy new year Em!!!
Those tights are seriously the greatest color. I want them!!
KF x
yay i love this feature (you're so sneaky...)! i must admit that i love zara, but that's really just because i love every store that sells clothes :p
i hope you have a marvelous new year's eve! can't wait to see what you get yourself up to in 2011 (and envy from afar your foreign adventures).
Very unique clothing! I would definitely shop there.
omg i LOVE this dress! its soo cute! i have never heard of that store but i must check it out :) too bad none of the emilys could take this piece home because its lovely on you ;) xo
That dress is SO cool.
taking pictures in store changingrooms? brilliant idea, i might actaully try it some time. that coat is so beautfiul and that multi-patterned is too.
Wowza, that coat is incredible. I could totally see you sporting it through winter's duration. At least you got the opportunity to wear it for a few minutes and take some pics!
I am all kinds of distracted by that plaid coat. Yikesy. Likesey.
Wee! All these colors are dizzying, but oh so fun! I would pop into one of those stores if I knew of one in the Boston or NYC area. But I do love Zara. I haven't purchased much in there, but I find some of their staple pieces, like skirts and blazers, to be better-quality than, say, H&M. But my favorite store, which I constantly drool over, is Anthropologie! Way too expensive, but each piece is gorgeous, never boring! Ah, to each her own! :)
That coat is so cute!
Happy Happy New Year lady :-)
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