Yes, me, showing my face around here again. Still with a backed up queue of posts I never can post. Still alive, still without internet, still job hunting, etc.
Today I visited another blog for the first time in about two weeks and saw this questionnaire of a post so I thought I'd steal it and do likewise, since I haven't said much about anything for a while
What did you look like one year ago today?

I had long brown hair. I was wearing this dress and it was Valentine's Day and I was having breakfast with Víctor. We weren't together yet and couldn't be, but we went for breakfast and spent the whole time wishing to ourselves that we were.
when did you wake up this morning?
Started drifting in and out of consciousness at 7, but didn't get up until 8, after orange juice in bed and the cat scratching the door.
what was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
Wishing death on the cat, probably

So cute. So evil.
have you called someone today? Who and what did you say?
I Skyped my mom, to commiserate about some disappointing professional news (don't ask) and catch up in general.
what mood are you in?
I was super happy this morning, as I took a morning off from my crazy freelance schedule. Am consequently a bit frantic at the moment but as it's already too late to hand anything in before Monday, I think I may just chill out now...

Got this lovely Valentine's Day card from my dad, though!
Do you hurt anywhere?
Erm, my shoulder is torture as always from too much computer.
If you could choose anything to eat right now, what would you want?
The Moroccan food my sister is making whenever I manage to get over there with the dish!
What did you buy last?

Breakfast of fried eggs and black pudding, with a glass of wine (yes, wine for breakfast, it was a special occasion and pretty much essential for the delightfully-greasy peasant food)! Tastes so much better than it looks, incidentally.
Which was the first website you visited on the internet today?
My friend Kallie's blog, which is where I got this questionnaire from!
what are you doing tonight?
The above-mentioned Moroccan dinner with my sister.
which is the first song you put on today?
I continue to have no soul and never listen to music, but the café where I'm sitting has Ella Fitzgerald on, if that counts.
What were you doing exactly a week ago, this time?
Reading a very long article about whether women find it sexy when men cook and clean. Apparently not, according to the article. I think the article is crazy!
What are you wearing today?

The same thing as exactly one year ago. I'm not a Valentine's Day type, but it inadvertently became an important day last year, so this year was all about doing exactly the same thing, wearing the same clothes. Yes, yes, I know. You can all roll your eyes and write me off forever now.
The weekend then, what about it?
A calçotada (Catalan barbecue with onions) with my writer friends on Saturday, and Victor's birthday party on Sunday) Oh god, have so much to do now....

Calçots, mmmmm