Friday, 28 February 2014

volcano climbing

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Return of the day trip! After the bridge trip morphed from a small outing to a ten person-three car odyssey, we decided to plan more Sunday days out. This one topped out at 13 people! We drove to La Garrotxa, scene of extinct volcanos that Víctor explained were "the disappointment of generations of Catalan schoolchildren expecting lava and fire." Lava and fire were certainly both in short supply, but hiking in the wilderness (after driving through some really ugly towns to get there), drinking beer in the sun against a backdrop of mountains and fields, and standing in the crater of a volcano were all fun anyway. My favourite part of the day was after our enormous lunch when we went for a last ramble in the gathering darkness through the near-silence, smelling the country smells, getting stung by nettles and talking in the free way you can when you can't see each other...

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Closet Fashionista said...

Wow! It looks so cool!! You always do the most fun things! :D

Anonymous said...

"...and talking in the free way you can when you can't see each other..."

so well put... i miss those moments..

Kezzie said...

So beautiful! X

Sophie Jane said...

wow, what a stunning place!

his_girl_friday said...

Looks amazing!

Isabella said...

Beautiful adventure photos! The one with the green pasture and the mountains in the background is truly idyllic. Also, that is some great volcano dirt! What a cool color!

It sounds like you all had a wonderful time! This makes me miss day trips I would take with friends back in the States - here we are all rather car-less, but that really shouldn't be too much of an obstacle.

I must say I'm tickled by "the disappointment of generations of Catalan schoolchildren expecting lava and fire." Reminds me of the reality vs. expectations of a few field trips from my childhood.

Lovely portrait of you at the end of the post :)