First, off, thank you all so much for the good back/shoulder wishes, I'm trying to stick to my guns about unnecessary computer use (she types, making a blog post at midnight).
These photos were taken in Barceloneta, the neighbourhood by the beach. Back in the day there was no beach, Barceloneta was a fishing neighbourhood, and the waterfront was a slum. At the time of the 1992 Olympics a beach was artificially created, with imported sand, and completely changed the face of the city. Most Barcelona locals I know wouldn't be caught dead at Barceloneta, singing the praises of the small beachfront towns up and town the coast instead... but I think there's plenty of room for both. Barceloneta can be reached by metro, has a silky, glittery, fine sand (you are guaranteed to find it in your bed for several days afterwards though), and the nearby charm of the vibrant streets of the old neighbourhood, riddled with seafood restaurants and home to such dishes as "The Bomb."
I haven't been swimming yet, but I'm looking forward to it!
Photos by Albert
YAY! The sea boat dress is back!!!
And yowza...that lady is very comfortable with herself, ha ha....
Oh, I also forgot to give you a back tip in your last post. My aunt, who is a massage therapist, told me to take a tennis ball (or two) and lay down on them and roll around so they massage your back for you. It helps!
Barcelona and the beach look beautiful! And haha, that woman has a lot of self-confidence, thats for sure! You wouldn't be caught dead like that here in the US!
oh, i love the picture with the boobs!!! thank goodness she has self confidence. more power to her! love that boat dress.
I hope the shoulder is improving. The woman in the background made my breasts itch...I can't imagine exposing mine to sunlight!
Love that outfit! That top, especially :) And I definitely busted out laughing at that lady in the first picture...
love the print mix and the beautiful porches with laundry. i actually couldn't resist. last year when i saw this dress all over the blogosphere i had to get one too and i found one on ebay (like you suggested) it was super cheap because it had a broken zipper. anyhow, barcelona is on my list of places to visit. it'll likely be my next european destination as we have some friends who live there. when i envision spain i envision lots of porches like your pics...gorgeous photos lady.
I normally really enjoy your blog, and I'm not trying to be rude to you at all, but I think showing that topless woman on your blog is completely inappropriate and disrespectful. Did you take the photo to make fun of her...? I am sure that she had no idea that her photo would be plastered on the internet for anyone in the world to see... I hope you consider taking it down/blurring her out.
oooh como echo de menos mi barcelona viendo tus fotos...well honestly i don´t miss topless ladies like the one in your first picture;)
i love your boatshorts and this cute striped shorts!
this post makes me feel a bit nostalgia.
beso, mary
I love these photos :) Your skirt is so awesome too! I had a really yummy paella at a beachside restaurant in Barceloneta, and even though it was a fake beach, it was still pretty soothing. I like all the interesting sculptures there too x
@Anonymous: I can see your point of view, and I'll consider blurring it (I've just received your comment). The photo wasn't taken to get her into it... it was kind of impossible to avoid the topless people actually. I'm not sure where you're from, but there might also be an aspect of cultural differences ... it's very normal to be topless on the beach around here, and people don't perve on topless women or look at them strangely at all. Of course she isn't expecting to get broadcast around the world, but neither is anyone else who appears in the background of any of my pictures. (Which opens a whole new can of worms about consent forms and who owns their own image and so on). Perhaps it's my drawing attention to it that makes it distasteful? As an interim measure, I'm deleting the line of text referring to her.
In any case, thank you for taking the time to comment on it. If you have mentioned it, I'm sure you're not the only person to think it.
Just a clarification on Emily's last message, according to law here if you are in a public space and someone takes a picture where you appear you have no rights over that picture.
I loved the mix of prints, beautiful and fun!
I hope your shoulder is recovering!
I love the beach, but do not live in a seaside town.
This is a big dream of mine!
During the holidays when we go to a beach on the coast of Brazil!
I loved the pictures!
A beautiful weekend for you, dear!
your striped blouse is wicked cute and it pairs perfectly with your dress. I dont know what The Bomb is but I want to try it :)
fantastic idea wearing that blouse tied up over that dress- I'll have to give that a shot. super cute but comfy looking summer sailor look. seems silly to me most locals wouldn't go to this beach but all the better if it's less crowded. the neighborhood looks adorable too & love that lady in the background- we care far too much about things like that here! (says the girl who wears a one piece ; )
LOVELY PICS:) I really like your blog and I will happily follow.
If you want some swedish decor inspiration, you can check out my blog:)
Have a great week.
LOVE Maria at
barcelona was the first holiday i went on with the boyfriend, 5 years ago! i have really good memories of it but we never made it to the beach: we spent all our time exploring the city and the streets. we'll have to do it next time!
Lovely photos and outfit! I visited Barcelona (including the beach) for the first time last year for Primavera festival. I loved it so much I'm coming back this year! Only a week to go!
PS. Have you ever done a post of your recommendations in Barcelona? I'd love some insider tips!
The topless lady reminds me of the beaches in Turkey :) A common occurrence overseas...
Hope all is going well with that shoulder!
a beach is a beach is a beach, if you ask me. as long as they aren't littered with creepy needles and other questionable trash, i'm there.
Artificial beach! I didn't realize that but it makes sense now that I think about it. It looks gorgeous in the pictures (and so do you!!!)
So pretty! I love the skirt with the boats, too perfect. This outfit is something I'd be living in all summer.
I think that the first photo on this post is my favorite I've seen in ages. I mean. It's amazing. You look gorgeous. And thoe focus is just so that the topless woman in the background can't help but catch your eye.
Now I don't know if that was your intention. But Dear god. I'll be thinking about it for days!
Its actually not normal to be topless on any beach, it is simply allowed. To say people dont perv on the topless women is a great sign of ignorance on your part.
@Anonymous: Do you live in Barcelona? Have you spent the past several summers surrounded by topless women of all shapes and sizes? So don't tell me what's "normal" everywhere, just because you think you know what's normal where you live.
As for perving, men will perv on women wherever they want, including fully dressed on the street. Where do you draw a line?
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