I was looking for quotes about the weekend the other day, as a conversation starter for one of my classes. My favourite was "Only Robinson Crusoe has everything done by Friday." On the subject of Sunday, opinion was split, but I sided with Jean Rhys: "The feeling of Sunday is the same everywhere, heavy, melancholy, standing still.
I suppose it boils down to whether you're an optimist or a pessimist, or a person who lives in the present or in the future. If you live in the future, it's all about anticipation, in which case Thursday is quite a good day, but Sunday is depressing. Perhaps those who live in the past enjoy Mondays!
In any case, I'm off to beat neurosis by keeping myself busy this Sunday afternoon, but thought I'd share a few extra photos that were taken the day of the Cherry Blossom photos. They perhaps personify a feeling of "melancholy and standing still."
Photos by Albert
These photos are so soft. I love them. Recently I've been watching a lot of dark films and there is certainly beauty in sadness. For me, Sundays have been about getting all my lesson plans done for the week. So it's a working from home kind of day. I suppose I'm an optimist because Sunday means we are that much closer to starting our week and then it'll end. So as to get back to Friday/Saturday.
Haha, that's the best analysis of being an optimist I've ever heard, Monique. Good luck with your lesson planning!
so so beautiful!! LOVE :)
I don't know why, but I love Sundays. Mondays are absolutely horrible, however. I guess I see Sundays as the calm before the storm, and I'm okay with that. You know the storm is coming anyway, so why fret about it? Just enjoy the calm.
These are so pretty! And I totally know what you mean, it's like in the movie Kate and Leopold haha (I love how you are always so smart and quote books and I go the movie route)
Beautiful photos you look so pretty love the white dress on you. I for one get Sunday blues but I have never enjoyed school or work, which means I guess I live in the future silly me need to be more present! xxx
very charming post!! <3 hope to see you follow back HIMandHER
Beautiful photos. So artistic.
Do you know what the motto is for workaholics? "Thank God It's Monday"
i feel the same about sundays. sometimes they can be lovely and relaxing or you go out and do things you don't otherwise have time to do, but a lot of the time they have this melancholy tinge to them, and the weekend is never further away than on a sunday night.
@Little Henry Lee: how right you are!
so beautiful! <3<3
Stunning photos, so delicate and soft!
very pretty photos--you've captured sunday quite nicely :) i'm definitely more of a friday/saturday girl (saturday is my favorite of favorites, of course). sunday does always have an edge to it, because the end is near...
I think that for as long as I have somewhere to be on Monday morning, regardless of whether or not I *like* that place (just that the "have to be there" hangs over my head), Sundays will always be tinged with the feeling of something lovely coming to an end.
Bautiful Sunday photos. I know as a kid that Sundays felt unbearably slow...but as an adult, I look forward to a day in which the world slows down a bit.
What lovely photos! I'm definitely, unfortunately, in the camp that dislikes Sundays. Thursdays have always been a favorite day for me though, amusingly enough!
Great pictures! I love it!!
Call me old fashioned, but Sunday's my favourite :)
Friday is relieved and expectant, but tired. Saturday is usually busy. Sunday is lie-ins and big breakfasts and moveis in bed. What could be better than a Sunday?
I love that dress, its so pretty and delicate looking, and I love the roses with it too.
I love SunDAYS, Sunday nights make me me depressed haha. LONG LIVE THE WEEKEND!
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