Today I went to the doctor about an increasingly sore and cracking shoulder, which I was attributing to several years of carrying bags, or maybe to sleeping in strange positions. And those things may well have something to do with it, but while I was chatting to the doctor about possible causes, it hit me like a tonne of bricks what is actually aggravating it: hours upon hours upon hours spent on the computer, and usually hunched in bed or on the sofa. Since I started this blog, my amount of time spent on the computer has sky-rocketed. It's not just the blog; it doesn't help that I'm also writing a book, or that my family and boyfriend live in other countries so I spend a lot of time hovering around on Skype, but whatever the reason, the computer has often in recent months been my lifeline to the world (and yes, I'm a bit ashamed to admit that).
But after today, that realllllly has to stop. Hours of my life in front of a screen is bad enough, but if it's reached a point where a professional, tugging on my shoulder, massaging my arm and cracking my back for over an hour can't even make much of a difference, and I'm still in my twenties, this is a serious problem. I'm not sure why I'm ranting on about this on here... I guess I was just horrified today at how little it took to mess up one part of my body. So.... major computer restrictions going into effect around here! Well, as much as possible, anyway.
There was another resolution I was going to talk about... but I've already written an essay so it can wait.
Many thanks to Ben Evans for the pictures! (He teaches photography, and runs the Barcelona Photo Walk monthly)
Great photos! I love the dress you are wearing.
Four years of University full time, blogging full time, and photography part time I've run into a little carpal tunnel problem. I have the same issues. Unfortunately most of my work is done on the computer!
Gorgeous photos, that dress is beautiful! I have the same problems, and thought it was because of my slightly S-shaped spine but my chiropractor told me otherwise. Lots of slouching in bed with my MacBook hasn't been good. More yoga and swimming needed for me, so I totally sympathize with you. Good luck sticking to your resolution!
Thanks guys, I figured I wasn't the only one out there!
oh you look beautiful in these the dress and those blue shoes.such a cutie.
you look absolutely stunning in these pictures! simply gorgeous
i would have to totally agree with you. i spend wayyy too much time on the computer and often for pointless things. sometimes its essential to take a step back and life your life beyond your computer screen to stay sane, and healthy! - it really is scary how much you can stare at it
that dress is a dream!
lovely dress Emily :)
take care of yourself dear- my mum says the same, how can we be in our 20s and already have pain in our bodies?
when i first joined the company i work for we had some typical and boring (!!) health and safety training but one thing that I still remember is the lady saying that our head weighs as a bowling bag and by not sitting properly we put all this weight in wrong places...
as you figured I also suffer from upper spine pain :)
we can do it!!!
@Penny: thanks for the bowling bag image! I'll be remembering that for sure!
Really beautiful photos. I love this look so much, it has a such a 1930's kind of feel to it, especially your hair! :)
Great post - your photographer is excellent!
Click here to visit my blog – Hailes Hearts Fashion.
Guilty. {gulp} There are many days when I feel my neck tightening up as I hunch over the computer, but I just need to type one more thing...
It's something we've got to watch and catch ourselves on. Take care, and I hope you feel better soon. Looking forward to hearing about your other resolution!
ah yes, this sounds familiar. i actually have an arthritis prone wrist that flares up after stress + lots of work on the computer. But you can't NOT be on the computer these days, especially if your profession is more intellectual. ugh. you look lovely though :)
Oh god I love this dress so much! <3
I love that dress! And yea, I have a bad back too...but mine is from gymnastics, stress and then the computer...
Love that dress - it's adorable and charming!
xo Jennifer
This is not at all strage to me, from so many hours spent in front of the computer I also have frequent back pains from bad positioning and also wrist and hand pains, especially the right one from scrolling down! Though I don't have any doctors assessment, which I believe it must make it even worse for you! I would be a bit terrified in your place, especially as you're a writer. So I totally support and understand your resolution. Hope you feel better soon!
And I couldn't not be jealous of your dress, it's just perfectly simple! Perfect for summer too. Not that I should worry much about it as it looks like summer is not going to happen this year in England so no point for me to be jealous!
oh man, when I was in grad school, my shoulders and back ached oh so much. It definitely was from being hunched reading or writing on my laptop! Hopefully your aches go away soon!
♥ laura
the blog of worldly delights
the shop of worldly delights
Now that you've mentioned I will have to reconsider the hours spent on the computers too.
Can't do much as I work in computers.
On a different note, how come all are talking about pictures when all I see is only one picture??
Health comes first. Take care yourself first...)))
Argh, I hope you get better soon and that restricting some time on the computer helps! I mostly get sore eyes from using the computer a lot. I used to work a desk job and my vision was always getting worse. Can't live with/without computers though. Maybe doing some yoga might help the soreness? x
so so beautiful! love it :)
Gorgeous outfit - that dress is incredible and I love what you did with your hair.
My boyfriend is an artist (primarily digital) and has, for a couple years now, struggled with extreme back pain that has actually landed him in the hospital before. He has found some ways to work around it, since it's his livelihood and all! I'd be happy to pass on some tips if you like :)
sweet dress. i love it's simplicity. i realize, too, just how bad my posture (and resulting aches and pains) has gotten due to the amount of time i spend in front of a screen. i hope you can find some exercises to help alleviate some of your pain.
oh no! Damn computers...unfortunately I'm forced to spend 8 hours on the computer at work...I'm afraid my eyes are ruined as well! I hope that shoulder gets better soon, lady.
You are not alone! I spend so much time on the computer and usually get really aggravated eyes from it. It's hard to limit time spent on the computer, especially when reading such interesting blogs and when most all school assignments are computer-related! I wish you luck on your resolution :) p.s. I just love your hair and dress.
I have this same dilemma. I teach 3 of my 5 courses every semester online and then I blog on top of that. I am aware of tension in my shoulders and back and we've acquired a massage chair to help with that, but I am also convinced that being online contributes to some serious insomnia. There are days I've felt like a zombie in my F2F life. Take care of your health FIRST.
Oh dear, sorry about your problem with the shoulder!
Really you should take more care from now on.
But be sure to post on the blog,
because everything here is so beautiful and light!
I loved your dress and the photos are really beautiful!
Kisses and good health to you!
I hope you'll feel better after reducing a bit the hours on the computer, even if it may be a bit hard to resist! I've suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome for a while and it's really bothersome.
I love that dress, perfect for summer and your hair also looks great!
I LOVE that dress! Where'd ya get it?
Step away from the laptop! You look beautiful and your hair looks gorgeous like that, my wrist plays up the amount of time I spend on mine xxx
This is such a fantastic outfit! Love the colors and simple dress. And your hair is super cute :)
A | V // vintage blog
I've already started writing a post about exactly this because I just came to the exact same realization after going to the chiro a few days ago, such crazy timing. we'll have to be better sitting posture buddies haha. great resolution of less screen time, blogging has def resulted in me being on the computer a ton more as well & I don't have ppl to skype w/ like you do. Have you tried standing or doing stretches ever while skyping? I try to remind myself sometimes when doing other things, but clearly your writing wouldnt quite work. Hope your shoulder starts improving quickly!
or standing maybe? you look like you have really good standing posture at least, your shoulders are nice and back (which is my problem, supposedly I will be a hunchback in a few years so I know what u mean about the age part.. and how could i forget to say how lovely this dress is? where's it from? this is prob a really weird comment too but I love how it seems a bit loose!
I didn't take time to read all the comments and see if someone else suggested this, but there are special chairs that force you into a healthy sitting position in front of the computer, I mean healthy for your back. Try to check them out.
oh boy, i spend way too much time at the computer! if im not at work, im slumping on the couch with my laptop! its not only my posture im worried about, its sore eyes, no exercise and no fresh air! although now that the weather is getting warmer, bf and i are making an effort to go on long sunday walks.. hm..
i never thought to post about it but im so glad you did, its kinda comforting to know im not the only couch surfer around here! x
first of all, that dress is perfection. literally, most perfect dress ever. and your hair is lovely like that!
I know exactly what you mean! I hunch all day at work over a computer and then at night over my blog or a movie on Netflix. Good luck with this, I've been trying to cut my computer time (or at least my hunching) for ages.
On another note, you look like an editorial! The hair, the dress. PERFECTTTTTTTT.
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