Mousehole, Cornwall.
I know it seems like I'm on constant vacation, but the last several rambles through the South Wales and the Southwest of England were done on weekends, to take advantage of my few weeks in the UK in the summertime. The last one was a somewhat whirlwind visit to Devon and Cornwall. A weekend really wasn't enough to see either, let alone both, but I was thrilled anyway to finally visit. Here I am in Mousehole (pronounced Mowzel), Cornwall, dubbed by Dylan Thomas as "the loveliest village in England," to the eternal delight of the tourism board. I think that's a bit of an exaggeration, though I may have just been out of sorts from carsickness, but it's certainly one of those steep, pretty British towns that lead down to a rocky sea through streets of old cottages with wildflower gardens. I wouldn't have minded one of the cottages on the cliff that had little terraces directly overlooking the sea, to drink my morning tea or hide myself away in the winter for creative endeavours. I really don't think they should allow parking on the pier however.
This boat print dress that I hunted down on ebay last year is still one of my summer favourites, and while my mom's telescope necklace maybe tips the whole thing over into pastiche... well, it's summer by the seaside! A bit of cheesiness is required!

I loved Mousehole went I went (in about 2001 ;_;) I even got to see inside one of the strange little cottages clinging to the cliffside.. When I was younger I had a book called The Mousehole Cat, it has gorgeous illustrations! xx
That book sounds familiar actually.. .
That necklace is so cute!!!
And wow, that is an adorable seaside town! I would love to retire to a place like that when I'm old (or maybe I'll marry rich and retire early ;) )
beautiful pictures! what lens were you using?
~niki <3
@Niki: On these, a Nikkor 35mm AF-S. The standby for my Nikon camera!
hehe that last photo is so adorable! Your posts lately have been making me yearn to go back to the UK. Good thing my sister will be studying over there for a year! A good enough excuse to visit again. :)
I've been there when I was like ten! Beautiful photos as usual!
Mousehole seems like a very beautiful place. And your dress is very lovely alongside with your mom's telescope necklace. =)
What this post made me think of: http://youtu.be/aYNzVYWljwM
I love that dress, I'm still kicking myself for not getting it when it came out...
Well now, I knew this seemed familiar! I've been here, and I was very amazed then (and still now) by that English tide.
I have a telescope necklace to, which enchants my grandson as it actually works. I love your bare feet and the mass of hair done up this way. Find I'm wanting to defend Thomas; perhaps he was writing before so many modern changes.
This may sound nerdy but I like to browse around the coastlines of Europe on Google Earth, and I saw this place, and wondered if it was as pretty as it seemed. Now I know! Thanks. And the boat dress is ideal.
adorable! your dress matches the backdrop :) so cute. :)
Great photos, love you boat print dress, its so pretty.
Jo. x
What a gorgeous location! I love that you are living abroad and able to share all these places with us as well as your style.
What a gorgeous location! I love that you are living abroad and able to share all these places with us as well as your style.
This is getting weird, you keep going to places that I really adore, have been to or really want to go to! I actually sung in the animated film version of the Mousehole cat book that Rachel in the first comment mentions and have wanted to visit there and eat Starry-Gazy pie ever since we gave the world premiere of it at the Barbican when I was about 11!!! The book is by Antonia Barber with illustrations by Nicola Barber (one of them has a name called Barber, not sure what the other one is?!!!!)
I had an absolutely gorgeous day in the Yorkshire moors today- we went to 2 country shows, had 2 lovely walks on the Roman Road and then had a lovely dinner in Sleights! If only I had my camera lead here!
Your photos are absolutely gorgeous and I love the insight into your beautiful weekends!
...sang, not sung and that dress is beautiful on you!
Beautiful as always.
love your sailboat dress, what a cute pattern!
These photos make me jealous, wish i could visit that beautiful place:)
And your dress is so cute!
I've met a couple of people from Cornwall, when I traveled through S. America. I had know idea what it looked like until now. Wow! It's quite beautiful. Lots of sunshine must be nice. Love that dress (you inspired me to get one via ebay as well) and your mom's necklace.
Embrace the cheesiness, that's what I say! ;)
Mousehole looks lovely. And thank you for providing the proper pronunciation. When I saw your title I thought, "there's no way this place is pronounced mouse hole!" Haha.
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