Wednesday, 23 April 2014

flowers and serpents

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...and here we are. Flowers and Serpents, a collection of stories by 14 English-speaking writers in Barcelona, edited by me and designed by Víctor is in the world. And otherwise it's Sant Jordi, it's sunny, I was brought a long-stemmed rose in bed this morning, and the day as been full of books and deliciousness. I'm off to enjoy the rest of it! Scroll down for a gratuitous picture of my cat...

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Closet Fashionista said...

Ooh!! Super exciting, congratulations!! :D And I love the cover, it's so fun :)

Kezzie said...

Phwoooooar, look at that tummy!!! I just want to tickle it!!!!!! Congratulations, it looks great!!!x

Isabella said...

The book looks beautiful and intriguing! Congratulations, you should really be proud :) How can I get a copy? 

Natalie Suarez said...

so so cute! x

Natalie Off Duty

Rachel said...

Congratulations on your publication! Also, your cat is adorable.

Ashley said...

God this post is cute all the way through. hahaha!

Monique said...

Congrats Emily!

Anonymous said...

Yes, congratulations. Hope it will be available online somewhere!

Sara said...

Congratulations on your publication! Will this be available outside of your vicinity?

And wherever did you find that adorable tiger print? I need one!

ana said...

Hey Congratulations!!! how can I buy one! I would really love to have one of your books! I follow you from 4 years now!