Oh corduroy... may favourite of all autumn/winter fabrics. I love its softness, its comfort, its working-man connotations, and the fact that my dad was usually wearing it all winter when I was a kid. When I was a teenager, I imagined my twenty-something self living in squalor in London, as an about-to-be-famous theatre actress, and me and all my actor friends would wear corduroy trousers and practical wool sweaters (not sure why, but there you have it). Reality: after a few brushes with total broke-ness, my aim is to keep squalor to a minimum, I've rerouted my artistic interests to writing, where they should have stayed in the first place, and I spent much of my twenties not wearing corduroy, or trousers for that matter, because I was insecure about the shape of my legs. I've always been a basically thin person but a bit heavier through the legs, and I've always hated how trousers looked on me. Which is unfortunate, because I actually love the ease of them. Anyway, due to stress and upset back in June, I ended up losing about 10 lbs. I'm not saying I needed to, or that it was particularly healthy the way it happened, but it would be a lie to say I'm not thrilled with the result, which is that I'm now comfortable in these perfectly fall-coloured corduroys at the moment!
Apparently I'm also comfortable with bird motifs... I'm wearing four of them! My mom had the ring custom made in the late 70s/early 80s. Our family friend has one by the same guy (a first nations designer) that looks very similar, but features a turtle. (Actually, you can see it in my "festivities" post)

P.S. check out the last time I did a shoot in this lovely little square... in the springtime.
A very nice warm, cosy outfit, love it! I ALWAYS think of my Dad when I think of cords! He had a navy blue pair when I was a kid/teen and I always thought I'd like a pair! Is that jacket from Asos?
@Kezzie: The jacket is from a store in Canada called Smart Set, but I've had it for 6 years or something...
my favorite is that little felt birdie!! so cute :)
@Chantilly: Thanks! It was a stocking stuffer from my sister Shona one year. She always finds the cutest things at craft fairs!
LOVE those pants! I agree corduroy is a great fabric! And that ring is so cool! My mom has a ring made from a dime, there are little pieces cut out...I forgot to take it from her last time I was home, ha ha
I'm a fan of cords as well, especially when it's chilly. I have the same body time, slim but fuller thighs and I know exactly what you mean. Glad you're wearing pants and feeling good in them. Sorry to hear things were a rough a few months back.
@Monique: You were wearing those amazing yellow cords when I met you and I was so jealous!
I love the color and cut of these cords! I used to wear them a lot more in high school and don't think I own a single pair anymore! I am also pretty sure I have been to this plaza before!
I definitely have the same feelings about my legs (and erm, decently-sized bottom). Dresses have just seem way more flattering lately. You look GREAT though!
:) Hannah
That is like a bird ring brass knuckle. You could knock someone out with that!! Totally love it. Me thinks I should invest in some corduroy pants whilst living in London. It's getting on the chilly side (not Norway chilly, but chilly in it's own right!).
I love how honest this post was. So personal, about your dad and past struggles and insecurities. Just goes to show that personal style blogs are only trivial if the blogger lets it be trivial. Those pants are divine, but I don't think I ever found your legs heavy or unsightly, so please don't stop wearing them if you gain weight!
@I figure it's silly not to talk about these things. There's literally no one, at least no girl, who isn't insecure about something that other people don't even notice on her right? And you do kind of forget about it as you get older, but it's still lurking there whenever some thin-legged woman walks by. Damn psychology!
I get the impression that your posts are different lately, different good! Oh, and your hair looks great!
That ring is gorgeous...I just love the chic simplicity of this in general :) Your teenage dreams sound like mine, and I, too, have rerouted to writing!
Well, sorry about the stress, but yeah to looking the way you want to in your cords! I have two pair of dark brown cords that have been my "off blog" uniform for the past couple of months.
Funny, I am sitting here reading this in a pair of my favorite corduroys that fit me better because of my own stress induced weight loss. I hope all's well in the stress department for you these days, Em! Back to the cords: yours really are perfectly fall-colored. I love how well they go with your blazer (and your trusty brogues, of course).
That's a lovely ring, too.
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