I've been going through a phase of voracious reading recently (actually, voracious everything, I seem to be grabbing life by the horns this year) and the fact that it's winter just makes reading seem even more the logical choice. These were taken in a big, bright, warm room in Bristol, with a view over clustered roof tops and a back garden in which I've seen foxes at dusk, wearing a plaid flannel dress (the ultimate reading outfit no)? Erm, that would be me wearing flannel, not the foxes, clearly. :D
I'm multi-tasking bookwise. I always like having 5 or 6 books on the go to suit all moods and handbag sizes. I'm reading Anna Kerenina (yes yes, but movie versions are a great excuse to finally read that classic you've been meaning to for years), Christopher Isherwood's masterpiece Goodbye to Berlin, a Catalan classic Cadaqués, (here's when I went to beautiful Cadaqués a few years back) a book of short tales about interesting women who lived in Barcelona through the ages, which is fascinating as a social history, and rereading the biography of Louise Brooks by Barry Paris that so enthralled me last winter. I'm really enjoying all of them... does anybody have any recommendations for when I'm done?
Incidentally, my Kindle (which I've had for about 2 years) is a life saver. I love the texture and smell of real books as much as the next bookworm, but I don't love the overweight baggage fees or trying to track down English language books in foreign countries... for transient lifestyles it's a must, although it's not that photogenic.

Reading in bed comes with a built-in siesta!

Photos by Albert
One of my favourite posts from last year was also in favour of plaid flannel dresses...
Ah I feel next year is the year to get back into reading! Wish my view was as nice as yours though!
I like to have several going at once also. And I'm sure you NEVER actually fall asleep when reading.
I do when I'm reading about 18th century Catalan fishing treaties in Cadaqués :D
Yup, yup, yup, I'm firmly in agreement with you on ALL of this!!!
I haven't got a Kindle and I don't currently intend to buy one but gooodness, my year of studying in Bali would have been soooooooooo much happier with a Kindle- I craved English language fiction books sooo much (Non-fiction sends me to sleep so the selection of English lang ethnomusicology books in the Arts college library didn't cut it somehow) - I only had room for 7 books with me and I read and re-read!!!
Loving the plaid too!
I love that dress! And yayyy for reading! :D
I'm currently reading Little Women (again) and have been reading Inheritence (by Christopher Paolini) since it came out...it's just so long and I'm never in the mood anymore, ha ha
lovely dress! :) Irene Wibowo
This makes me want to curl up with my book. I'm currently reading I was Amelia Earhart by Jane Mendelsohn (amongst others).
So excited for winter and warm snug days now.
I can never read more than one book at a time. I am excited to get back into reading as I have finally finished uni.
Ah, seriously, what I would give to be reading in bed right now instead of being instead of being at work. Preferably, there would be a takeout pizza on my bed too. I love the plaid dress! Happiest of holidays to you :)
I also multi-task with books. Usually, I pick up a piece of poetry and a novel or two, right now I'm finishing Wuthering Heights from Emiliy Bronte and Ariel from Sylvia Plath, both, in my opinion, should be a must read to everyone.
As to the kindle, I bought one half a year ago and it has been one of the best buys of 2012. I already finished 14 novels and now that I'm back in my country (Chile) it is so hard (and expensive) to find English novels that the kindle has been super useful!
I've always liked having more than one book going at a time, too. My mom thinks I'm nuts, but, as you said, it's totally a mood thing. Good luck with Anna Karenina! I think I've attempted it 3 times without success. I did find out not too long ago that there's a newer translation out now. The copy I have uses one from 1901, I think. Maybe I'll give it another go!
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