People always go on about using fashion as a means to express their personality, but I seldom feel like my clothes say much about me, actually, beyond the superficial (middle class, late 20s, periphery to a certain urban tribe, etc.) I've always felt there's a divide between how I dress and how I think, with the former being girlier, and more mainstream in a way than my actual personality.
But I think this outfit actually does represent my personality a bit more than usual. The necklace is a nod to the past without being obsessed with it, and this is one of my favourite dresses: not in-your-face feminine, but layers well with demure blouses. I also love plaid... often for women you have the option of floral (why must our default setting be flowers?), stripes (too potentially preppy or wannabe French), or polka dots (too cutesy). Plaid expresses heritage, character, and a certain masculinity that I like to think is more unisex. Also I love the way the asymmetrical hemline flutters in the wind. And I love my hair in a bun.
What looks do you think best represent your personality, or are you still struggling to discover them?

what a lovely checked dress that is! red and black look always great together!
Me gusta mucho este cuestionamiento. En lo personal creo que mi ropa sí expresa lo que siento (aunque no siempre, porque claro "los días en los que sólo llevo jeans y camisa no tienen mucha información que entregar"). Y siendo más específica, creo que lo que mejor me define son mis vestidos, coloridos, con movimiento y muy femeninos <3
Me encantan estas fotos, te ves muy bella.
Que tengas una buena semana,
Nos vemos!
Love your necklace and these amazing pictures!!
I love this outfit--it is too cute. And I love that you felt very "you" in it. Makes it even better!
Amazing dress!I love your necklace!
Some outfits seem to click and feel like a second skin!I have a few staples with always help me when I'm in a hurry or don't know what to wear!
That is almost precisely how I feel about plaid!
If this ensemble is your personality, you're awesome! :)
I love your thoughts, woman. And I totally feel the same. I always feel like people have a wrong impression of me based on my outfits, even though they do express certain parts of me. They're just not all there is to me.
Love the dress! I think I tend to dress way more feminine than I feel. My outfits reflect the aesthetic that I like, but I guess not so much my actual personality. I love things covered in glitter, cute collars, and just general fanciness, but I wouldn't consider myself a dainty little flower! Anyway, interesting post! I enjoyed it!
I do love that dress!! :D
I think a lot of my clothes express my personality, like my crazy shoes...haha...because I'm crazy ;)
(and yea, the quality seemed good from the few pieces I touched, ha ha...some of the others were too high ;) )
The dragons! I love when you wear a bun, so elegant.
I really enjoyed this post! I think my style is a lot more girly than my personality and people maybe get a different impression of me based on that. I'm not as delicate as my style might suggest!
I'm pretty sure my whole wardrobe expresses my personality and all my mood swings :) I am definitely LOVING that darling necklace on you and that dress is just cut to perfection! It looks like the comfiest thing ever.
♥ laura
the blog of worldly delights
the shop of worldly delights
that's interesting what you say about clothing and the different patterns. I too often feel polka dots and floral patterns are too girly for how non-girly I am but thinking of my closet I think it depends on the item. I love this plaid dress on you for all the reasons you mentioned though. I suppose I love my Mexican blouses for this reason, they express my love for travel, other cultures, and living abroad.
Geez, I often feel that being in my late twenties I should have a better grip on what clothing best represents my personality, but I do think I am still struggling. I was just speaking about this to an extent with a friend last night, actually. It's always refreshing to stumble upon similar veins of thought in the blogosphere.
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