These pictures were taken on one of those days during the Christmas break when I was working like a mad woman on my three essays that were all due after Christmas. After spending the morning cooped up hunched over my laptop in my pyjamas, I was relieved when we went for lunch since it gave me the opportunity not only to get out, but to get dressed. I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I can feel myself getting progressively less productive the longer I stay in my pyjamas. I start feeling less and less comfortable as the day wears on, and usually finish pulling out my eyebrows one by one (weird, I know). Of course, when I do get dressed I still want comfort, so my trusty yellow cardigan makes its third appearance on the blog, and my grey tights make another of many, many appearances.

This bar is called "nun's breast." Snort!

photos by Albert
dress (as skirt): Mango
sweater: Three Feathers Vintage
boots: Steve Madden (sales last year)
ring: c/o Hivennnn
Oh these shots are just lovely! I know what you mean about the pjs. If I don't get into proper clothes by 11am it's pretty much confirmed to be a tv in bed day (which is pretty embarrassing when people call to the door. On the flip side, as soon as I get home from work I always get straight into jammies. My hubby mocks me for this but I find it so cosy and just love it (plus I put in a full day's work - I'm allowed to dress like a slob in my own free time, right...RIGHT!?!?!)
Yeah, I often change when I get home too! Also because I'm used to not having too much stuff (well, until recently) and I think it saves your clothes a bit to change when you get home.
And it is embarrassing when the postman come at 1 or something, and you look like you just got up! Hehe ; D
If I stay in my pj's, I end up feeling blah and like I should be sick. In fact, a couple of weeks ago when I WAS sick in bed, I still made a point of getting up to get dressed, even if I went right back to the bed to lay down for the rest of the day. I just felt better. Flip side over here as well - all this week our house has been so cold and hubby and I have eaten dinner and are in our "comfy clothes" (a.k.a. pj's) by 7:00 - last night it was 6:30. We just hoped no one decided to call, but no one ever does, so we're pretty safe. ;-) Love that sweater!
LOVE! Like the combination, this sweater...<3 What about following each other? xoxo
Very good pictures. I am sure you finished essays on time. To me constantly doing the same work reduces the productivity. If I change, then I am more productive even when I come back to work put on hold.
Lovely dress!! And the sweater looks so nice with it!
You are so lucky to get to travel. I have always wanted to travel lots, but at seventeen it is rather difficult. :(
~ Katie
the sweater is such a beautiful color and it looks comfy. I went to weed my eyebrows recently and realized that they are grey and thus have effectively disappeared!
That's probably better than my grandfather's experience. His eyebrows are grey but seem to get bushier by the year. My mom trims them every once in a while. And I seem to have inherited his genes on that issue, unfortunately!
i love this sweater! three feathers vintage really has the best stuff :)
i love this cardigan, the color is amazing and it looks great on you
I feel the same way about staying all day in my pijamas, at first is so comfy but then I feel the pressure or anxiety to look good, love the color palette of the pictures!
I def get less productive the longer I'm in pj's! for sure!
Ahhh I love that cardie! It's definitely necessary in this cold Netherlands weather... I'm jealous of your sunshine there! Good luck with the essays!
Sarah xx
Trusty, comfy items are the best. And I'm the same way. All productivity is lost the longer I stay in my pajamas.
I can't get over how lovely your cardigan and dress go together. The colors are perfect.
P.S. I vowed not to do it, but I've borrowed Season 3 of ''Emily of New Moon'' from the library. It's so bad, but I can't stop watching it!
You look too cute! Check out my blog at www.msmadeulook.blogspot.com
Oh the mustard cardigan again, I think I might steal it from you in London! ;)
I feel like that when I'm wearing pj's all day, especially when night comes and I feel I haven't done a thing.
Love that dress! And hahha...nun's breast....
@Raquel: Honestly, if I didn't wear it around the house to keep warm, I would lend it to you for a few months. I need a guarantee that it won't appear in any more outfit pictures for a while!
@ Emily: No! Don't do it!
Can we swap weather for just one day? Pretty pretty please? You"ll love the snow and cold I promise!
You look great, but I have to say I don't agree with a schooling system where you have papers to write during the Holidays... That's seriously not ok!
ps: you totally have to watch In The Mood For Love, Wong Kar Wai is a genius and in my opinion this movie is his best ;)
Love your outfit.. The mustard sweater is fantastic. Great shots too by the way
lee x
These photos of you are spectacular! I really love the colors in this outfit and the boots make it so chic and cozy-looking at the same time!
I need to visit that bar. Stat.
I also need to crawl inside your sweater (without you in it of course), because look how comfy you are! N'aww!
I so totally understand what your talking about! People think im weird but i always have to wake up early and shower and get dressed, even when i know im staying in the house all day to do homework or cleaning. It just makes me feel productive and less lazy.
But anywayss, I love this outfit. That color looks so great on you!
Your skirt is really cute!
Yo quiero!
The power of a comfy sweater! And a really good camera. There are some good shots here, esp the bar stained glass windows.
Nice pictures! Hope your essays go well. I don't want to see you without eyebrows!
Gorgeous as ever.
Growing up I could spend the whole weekend in my pyjamas but nowadays I get all antsy when I am not ready for the outside world.
hehe those nuns..
Love that last picture! Your mustard jersey looks sooo comfy and I am still in love with your boots.
Embracing Style
Beautiful as ever. My bestie is a pj girl, I never used to understand it UNTIL we have a pj day. I like having days of pjs now ;) x hivennn.
i am the same way about staying in my pjs--i start to feel increasingly claustrophobic (which makes productivity impossible) if i don't at least get dressed and go outside for a few minutes.
by the way, you've probably mentioned it before, but what are you getting your MA in?
That cardigan is so awesome. And that skirt. And your location. And that bar (HAHAHA)
wow i like your ring!
you look stunning in these x
Fab outfit! I love the mustard coloured sweater on you paired with the floral skirt! xo
Duuude,magnifiques photos ♥
retro-junk.blogspot.com (I'm neww UU)
Ohh but I love it! Appearing several times is not bad, it shows you can re-wear stuff over and over and still be stylish, all the outfits you put together with it were wonderful!
I love your boots! I've been hunting for a similar pair. Maybe I'll find some in a sale too? Fingers crossed!
xx, Katrina
i've always loved that mustard-y colour of your sweater. it looks really good
How do you dream up all these witty titles! I love it!
Love the colours on the outfit too!
Stay Happy and Positive!
nun's breast! hahahahaha!!!!! oh man.
I totally know what you mean about staying in your pjs all day. Going to lunch must have also been refreshing for you...and a great cure for any writer's block!
that skirt is so cute! I loooove the color of that cardigan soo much! <3
Your blog is beautiful. I loved the pictures. Nice to meet you :)
oh wow, what scenery! and your sweater is great!
I would love to come to London (someday, someday...). Oddly enough, it was one of those places I had absolutely no interest in visiting when I lived in Dublin, but now there are so many places in England that I'm dying to see! My friends and I stayed a few nights in Newcastle and had some pretty incredible Indian food... I know that London is known to have some of the best :)
As for my job, I work for a company that publishes scientific and medical journals, and it is dullsville. I started working here because I thought it would be a good introduction to the publishing industry, but this particular form of publishing (though one of the few that isn't struggling terribly right now) has nothing to do with the kind that I would be interested in, and is mostly just pushing files around. One of my co-workers once described the job as "soul-shredding monotony." So there you have it :)
Urban studies definitely sounds interesting (if your course list is any indication), and I'm sure that careers in urban planning will become increasingly important as our population continues to swell out of control. Very cool. :)
love that first photo. where's the sartorialist when you need him?
oh the places you go. the setting is beautiful and "nun's breast"! i gave a snort too :D that cardigann looks so comfy but lovely too. you have such a great way of looking so good, i like your comfy first approcah
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