January has been my shoe-buying month these past few years. I discovered a couple of years ago that I had hardly any winter shoes, and since then have been slowly building up a collection in the January sales. The boots in the post below were last years contributions.
I'm a bit nervous that both this years' selections are heels, even if low heels. I'm one of those people who really has issues walking in heels. The last pair I bought were in South Africa, and walking for about ten minutes total over the course of an evening out left the balls of my feet stinging furiously... I'm such a wimp. Those shoes got unceremoniously thrust in a box in Vancouver. However, I kind of found this years offerings irresistible, and they're both comfortable and well made as heels go, so to I'm going to do my best to overcome my nightmare ankles. And also to leave the house on time in the morning, since I definitely can't walk too fast!

This sight made me happy the other day. Sometimes it still doesn't sink in properly that I live in East London... the mythical East London of small and big time gangsters, flower girls, artsy parties, and Indian restaurants, depending on your decade. I saw a map in the Museum of London the other day which had all of London in the late 19th century colour blocked into various socio-economic groupings. My street was listed as "Poor/Semi-criminal." Oh yeah!

It's a great idea to make your collection of winter shoes in the January sales! I should be doing the same! because believe it or not Guadalajara is sooooo cold this winter!!
CUTE shoes! I can't wait to see them in future outfit photos. Re: the mail slot - we have one here in the States as well, but as we didn't want to cut a hole in our door, my husband installed it through the wall right next to the door. People jump everytime the mail gets pushed through the slot and lands in the basket below. In this age of postal boxes at the street, I love that we still live somewhere that delivers to the house - I know it won't always be that way.
Just read Petty's post on Shoes and here I am reading your post on the same topic... Not sure if this is just a coincidence or a message that I can keep my new red shoes...
OOooo I absolutely love your new shoes! Heels can be tricky but it's definitely something you build a tolerence for. I never used to wear them & now I always feel best when I'm in a pair!
Yo homie let me borrow your shoessssssss!
Oh, here's my best high heel tip. Dr. Schoul's (Scholes?) makes these "Ball of the foot" gel inserts that you can stick into your heels. It makes them like 8 times more wearable.
LOVE those first ones!!! Yayyy for new shoes, haha :D
You're a total badass for living in east london ;)
Love both pairs. The black is really cute with the fringe details.
I'm going to have to follow suit and start scoring all my winter boots during the January sales. It seems I never have weatehr appropriate shoes when winter rolls around
I love to peruse old insurance maps...
Is there a stacked heel on the new shoes? If so, thumbs up!
Lovely shoes!! Thanks for the sweet comment too, everyone says I'm like a victorian orphan, I think it's an excellent compliment indeed!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
@Tierney: that does sound like an intriguingly good solution. Although half of my irritation with heels is that they slow me down. Seriously, WHO HAS TIME to go mincing along the sidewalk like a lady! There are places to be and people to see!
@Abi: Re: being a badass. Why thank you! hehe.
Emilyyyyy, both pairs are incredible! I can't wait to see you wear them. Heels have always intimidated me because I have bad knees. Stacked heels under 3 inches are always my safest bet. I find them much easier to walk in. And I agree with an earlier comment: try out the Dr. Scholl's gel inserts. They work wonders.
I recently read Jack London's account of life in East London at the turn of the last century (The People of the Abyss). As dismal, discouraging and depressing as it was, I couldn't put it down. Perhaps it was his way with words or the way he presented human connection that really had me aching right along with those whose lives he documented. Have you read it?
These shoes look beautiful! Heels definitely get easier with practice, so long as they're comfortable to begin with. I try not to wear them too often, though... It's healthier for your feet.
oooh, love these shoes...
those first boots are so so so cute!
I always get advantage of January sales to get some needed stuff too! More than the summer ones.
I truly love both pairs you got. I need to get some heeled shoes myself too, chunky heeled ones preferably, but I'm always afraid of the pain that it'd be to walk with them and don't get to buy any. And getting joint issues lately doesn't help it either.
Hmm, interesting thing about East London. I wonder what they'd say about the South, because that's probably where I'll be living!
love january sales and love both of these shoes!!!
Pretty shoes!!! <3 I especially love the first pair!
~ Katie
girl you and me both on the high heel issues! If they ever design a pair that are legitimately as comfortable as wearing flats then maybe i'd be more inclined to add a few inches to my frame. haha and I love that you're representin the poor/semi-criminal part of london ;)
Oooh, seriously loving that first pair of shoes! They're so wonderful.
Those booties are super cute.
Me encantan tus zapatos, yo tampoco soy de tacón muy alto; aunque me gusta verlos jejejje.
Qué fascinante vivir en Londres.
Yo viví en Inglaterra 10 años.
Vuelve pronto!!!
Your blog is so cute and I love your new shoes, they're lovely xx
How come several posts on SHOES? Is this SHOES week? Can you post some pictures of SA please?
For me shoes must be comfortable. Rest does not matter.
Hey, I also replied to your FB comment on my blot post. Interesting comment you had.
Oooh, those shoes are so lovely! I've kind of set a goal for myself to wear heels more often, even if they make me feel like a wobbly penguin when I walk. I'm starting out with wedges though, just to be on the safe side :)
I love that first pair so much!
can't wait to see you wearing them!
Cute shoes lady! Good luck with the heels. I hear a takes practice. I'm working on that skill as well. You have great taste.
both of these pairs are gorgeous, but i absolutely LOVE the second. i can't really see the label but i'd love to know who makes them!
also! i didn't see your little note on the purchase you made from my etsy shop until after i mailed it, so i'm sorry i didn't respond. i hope you love your tunic! please send me pictures when you style it, i'd love to see.
i buy more winter shoes than summer shoes, its silly. Im not very good at heel walking either, wedges are much easier though
Scrapbook de la Emma
I love the first pair! So cute. =]
I've always lived in the 'so-called' dodgy neighbourhoods, like Strathcona near Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. They are always the most creative and community-minded hubs. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Back to fashion- love both pairs. Good buys. If you do catch a train to Brighton for a little vintage buying trip, let us know!
I seriously love both pairs here. They will go with so much. I also think they look quite comfy? I used to live in London for 18 months and often had burst of inner excitement, because, well, it's LONDON!!
x Comtesse x
cute shoes, cute blog! :]
that is one shiny pair of shoes. And it's cute :)♥
Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog; and for the lovely compliments on the necklace. I too adore it! I am loving the shoes that you have picked out -they are so, so gorg! Happy wearing (and it does get easier with time)! xo veronika
I knew you were a delinquent :)
Love the shoes GURL.
I'm also a little bit weary of heels. I tend to gravitate towards flats or anything comfortable enough to run in lest I get surprised by a gang of thugs on the street (which has never happened but you never know....)
Positive attitude, Jan! I don't think I could outrun a gang of thugs in flat shoes either, so I'm more concerned about my increased likelihood of missing the bus... ; D
I love both these pairs. I own a very small amount of winter shoes. I wish I could change that but at the moment I'm a little broke.
I especially love your first pair! So cute.
Christy of Dress Rehearsal
I am so desperately seeking new shoes but I can never find anything I like. :( Its so funny how neighborhoods can change, I love looking at their evolution! Williamsburg Brooklyn was a place you didnt EVER want to visit when I was growing up and now its the hippest place to live. :)
Very nice. I love the shoes!
Also, in the post below, I really really LOVE the color of that sweater!
the shoes are so wonderful, i like the fine details in both. shoe shopping is such a specfic form of shopping (to me anyways). I never say I'm just shopping, becuase shoes are so particular they merit their own shopping days.
Both are beautiful but the second set are amazing! They look like you could wear them with anything! I'm sure you will get used to wearing them quickly. I always find that after a couple of weeks of wearing heels my skills come back to me and they don't hurt my feet as much. Lx
Oooo your new shoes are pretty. I love the first pair. I've been lookinf for the right pair of platform black boots and suede shoes like your with a heel and loafers...ok i just love shoes
Bright Green Laces
I am so jealous of your shoes... and your London! Aren't you just the hippest kid? (haha)
East London is definitely the greatest; ever since seeing the Cool Hunting video about it I've had an overwhelming urge to go back because I missed so much.
the shoes at the first pic.'s amazing..
Your shoe purchases are amazing! The second pair is super unique!
Kristine. Or Polly.
Seriously gorgeous shoes, especially those Kurt Geiger ones! I can't walk in heels either but I'm sure you could get used to it for the sake of these beauties! :)
well you have some new gorgeous shoes girl :Dkisses
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