First of all, enormous thank you/gros bisous to everyone who commented on the last post. I'll get back to you all individually, but in the meantime, I so appreciated not only people saying they hoped I'd keep blogging, but especially the writing encouragement in general.

Most of my recent days have been urban and social, but last week my dad, my sister Morna and I went on a hike in Deep Cove, a sweet little village with stunning scenery (I would shoot myself from boredom if I lived there though). I love walking in the woods around Vancouver; the trees are towering and monumental and the views once you get out of them are stunning: city and water and sky and of course, more trees.

Aaaand, Deep Cove is home to Honey's doughnuts, which as you might guess are made with honey and are so. good.

I love the stillness of an overcast day and the pearly quality that grey light in Vancouver has, as opposed to the flat steeliness of cloudy days elsewhere.

Picture of me by my dad