One of my favourite activities is writing. I've been writing semi-seriously for myself for a few years but this year I really mean business! I'm currently working on editing a never-ending children's novel, starting an adults novel, and writing a few short stories here and there. Like with most things, it's amazing how you get better by doing something, and it's also amazing how many terrible works you have to produce in order to come up with anything half decent.
I'm pretty pleased today because I submitted a short story to my writer's group last night which was well-received (and which I was also happy with). I mean, I submit all the time and the feedback is always helpful, but I do think this one was quite good, if I do say so myself! No doubt the next several will be terrible, but we're getting there!
I love writing in this civic center in Les Corts... a beautiful modernist building, lots of light, lots of people watching, and cheap coffee!

P.S. I've also been writing the rough drafts longhand... mainly because I work most of the day on a computer and my shoulder is kind of destroyed--not for hipster cred!
Photos by Albert
congratulations on your story going over well at the writer's group! i'm glad to hear you're still working on that children's novel- a project like that can be so daunting, so i'm glad you're trying to see it through :)
last thing- that owl shirt is incredibly adorable. xx
Oh that is so wonderful that you can do what you love, the owl ensemble is lovely as is the building, you look so content x
I would say you look much more Bohemian than Hipster, which is a good thing. Congradulations on the success of your story!
"Not for hipster cred" - bwhahaha.
Congratulations on your short story being well received at your writer's group! I remember when you posted a synopsis of your children's novel some time ago. How is it coming along? As I remember, it sounded like a fun read.
Love your owl top - simply adorable! ;)
Hope you get to write your novel till the very happy ending!
this is beautiful! love it :)
Wow, cool! I'd love to read something you wrote! I used to want to be a novelist. Now I mostly write scripts. All shorts though, no features yet.
I had no idea you wanted to be a writer, very cool!
Loving the shirt!
Yay for writing!! I stink at it so anything I wrote would be HORRIBLE! I'm glad everyone liked your latest story! :D
(and I love your shirt!)
love this post ;) nice story :)
Irene Wibowo
wow that's great! good luck! (cute shirt:) )
oh man I don't know how you write all that by hand, I get so impatient writing even a few sentences by hand nowadays, although I'm impressed and surely it's better for your shoulder. do you do any stretches for it btw? i have some I could share but i always forget to do them myself. and now what i meant to say first- way to go!! that is so awesome you're getting tons of writing & finishing up your children's novel, I bet that feels great! will you ever tell us what it's about? and yay for great spots to write, natural lighting makes such a huge difference!
also, what do on the computer all day nowadays? are you teaching English still as well?
Thanks Dusana!
I'm working as an editor now, for books about architecture in English. I still teach a few classes at lunchtime though, bleahhhh :)
Still as enthused about it as ever, haha!
hahaha! Not for hipster cred, well said :)
Writing is one of the hardest skills to perfect, I feel. But I do love when you notice improvement. It's one of the best feelings to realize you've gotten better at something!
I love that you write by hand Emily, it's so good to give yourself a break from the old computer screen. Good luck with your future projects. I'm glad that you're nurturing a skill you've had since you were very young. Good luck with it.
I love owls since I saw Twin Peaks
where did you get this lovely t-shirt?
@Annie: I think I'm the only person in the universe who hasn't seen Twin Peaks and has no idea what it's about. My sister bought me the t-shirt for my birthday. I think it's from Urban Outfitters, but I'm not sure. I saw someone wearing it in L'Illa the other day though!
You have to watch it! I have the dvd. You wanna watch it?
the sentence: owls are not what they seem, from the series, is in my mind since I was a child
Annie: I don't have a TV so I"ll have to download it I think. :)
The dress was a gift, like 90% of my clothes. :D
Oh, I just love this post. I'm in a Creative Writing class this semester, and it's amazing how much I've improved since the beginning. Writing is so soothing; I'd love to work in a building like Les Corts -- looks like it'd be an inspiration goldmine.
Yay, you're wearing the shirt I bought you! It is from Urban Outfitters, for those who asked. Em, you should send me your book to read :) Love Mo
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