So, this week happened. Man, I am so behind on everything and sooo tired, and sooo glad that it's a long weekend here!
I wore this last weekend to go to an exhibition at the CCCB, the Centre de Cultura Contemporànea de Barcelona, and I felt rather chicly understated. I'm always a bit leary of knee socks making me look like a schoolgirl, and of heels making me look like a businesswoman (ew), but the combination seemed to give it just the right edge.
The exhibit was fascinating: photos of Barcelona between 1909 and 1945 by a photographer called Brangulí, who, in addition to capturing some great street scenes, had an interest in photographing the industry that used to drive Barcelona... so photos of women working in textile shops and men making toy cardboard theatres at toy factories... a fascinating glimpse into life at the beginning of the 20th century.

P.S. Dusana did an interview with me about my travels, style, and other thoughts over at her blog!
Photos by Albert, all photos taken at the CCCB. I love the juxtaposition of old and new buildings that make up the courtyard.
dress: Mavi (old), sweater: car boot sale, socks: H&M, shoes: Clarks, necklace: gift from Mom