Ugh, today I worked from 8:45 am to 9:15 pm, with a coffee break and like half an hour for lunch. Not cool at all, and it really made me miss the winter break, when there were festivities happening nightly, and work seemed like a distant memory, or something that I did for a few hours hunched over the laptop. Now it's January (ugh),it's cold, my most party-happy friend is doing a month-long detox and I'm wondering if I should join her...

back when life was fun Albert and I went to nice restaurant one day and had a taster menu full of the delicious...
and the experimental, here I am with a glass of Caipirinha dessert.

On night walks I enjoyed Barcelona's many beautiful pharmacies...

There were evenings with spontaneous jam sessions

And Jenga! (This was at my stay-home, wear-your-slippers, New Years Eve party)

And I cooked fish stew, and felt like a domestic goddess for actually using a mortar and pestle (which is usually a doorstop in Albert's place in Bristol)

And we went to a Bristolian bar with a skittles lane in the back and learned that skittles is harder than it looks and nowhere near as dependable as bowling.

Albert almost won...

...but no one fucks with the Jesus! (don't know what I'm talking about? Here)

Nobody fucks with the Jesus
Ick, I hate working long hours! Not fun :(
You always have so much fun! it makes me jealous, haha
your new year's night in sounds like fun. we did the same, watching awesome fireworks from our kids' bedroom in malaysia. last year we had a ripping game of headbands and stayed in, too. quite fun.
thanks for the sweet comment and encouragement on my blog, emily. i'll have to check out your friend's blog and maybe be brave about trying that lighting again.
Cute happy new year! www.adoramehitabel.blogspot.com
It looks fun to me! Sorry that not everyone turned up who talked you into it (thanks for the comment- sorry I have been awol from blog-land for 2 weeks for various reasons) but it looks great fun! I'd definitely have loved that kind of party!
I haven't played Jenga in such a long time! I should remedy that soon.
Kudos for actually using a mortar and pestle (doubling it as a doorstop is really quite funny!).
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