Parc de la Ciutadella
Barcelona is one of protagonists in my life, but less so on my blog, which is unacceptable. To tell the truth, during all the years I've lived here I've gone around with a camera trying to capture what makes the city so magical for me. I'm not in the least satisfied with the project so far--ultimately our attachment to cities is emotional rather than visual and I expect I'd have no more luck if I tried with Vancouver or anywhere else. Nonetheless, here are some recent photos showing reasons why I love Barcelona... I expect a "... by Night" post will be coming along at some point!

Sometimes you wake up in the morning to music and the sight of horses, goats, and greyhounds parading down the street.

And giants

laundry flapping in the morning breeze

the park, reverberating with practicing drumming circles, lindy-hop get-togethers, pic-nickers, highly competitive table-tennis players, and who-knows-who else, on a sunny weekend afternoon.

More parades of giants

going for lunch on Sundays and taking along a whisky or grand-marnier flavoured cake from a local pastiseria.

burgeoning social protest: Plaça Espanya is blocked by protesters on the morning of the recent general strike.

Creative uses of public space: children use Rambla de Raval's famous Botero cat sculpture to get a better view of the stage during a public concert.

...and sunset on the beach.