Oh, temporary homes. I'm looking forward to having a proper home later this year (if all goes as planned) because things have been so temporary for so long. Where's home? Definitely not my "hometown" Vancouver. My parents have a house in Hamilton, but it's not like I'm from there. Barcelona is my home now but I spent the last several months a bit all over the place in terms of living situation. If home is where the heart is, then mine's in at least four different places right now.
But ANYWAY, if home is where you sleep, then that's currently this cute little third floor flat in Verdun, Montreal. I'm in love with the Montreal residential architecture, all little iron staircases winding up brick buildings to an entrance porch. We also have a little balcony at the front and a slice of fire escape at the back to watch the sunset and the back alleys of my temporary city.
If home is temporary, family is apparently forever. I'm wearing a dress, shoes and amber necklace that are all hand-me-downs from my mom (the dress made by her in the 70s, as I never fail to point out when I wear it).

nice dress <3
visit mine whenever you had a chance :D
stay fab,
Miss Aa
Beautiful dress, these pictures are gorgeous! I wish everything goes smooth and you get to have your home soon!
Cee. ♥
Code Overdressed
I knew these were taken in Montreal before I even scrolled down, my parents lived in one of these types of houses when I was born and I went to see it three years ago. They are charming if not very practical (my parents were freezing in winter). You look gorgeous! The dress is stunning, must be wonderful to wear something that comes from your mum
Nina from little nomad
@Nina: Someone was just saying the same thing about practicality yesterday. Obviously, being here in the summer, I never considered it, but then I imagined trying to climb those stairs in the winter, and then I imagined it again with a CHILD for the sake of argument and yeah....
Love the look of these places though!
I wish that my mother had kept more clothing from her younger days. She looks so stylish in her old photos, but those clothes got tossed or misplaced somewhere along the way.
And temporary though it may be, that fire escape is perfect for outfit photos.
I wish the same as Christy. I have a couple of Laura Ashley dresses but not much else. You look truly beautiful here!! Tell us more about the possible home!
You look beautiful in this dress, Emily. Colours suit you so! Always enjoy your musings, and these ones ring especially true. Don't know if you remember me from the old days of blogging, but I always still enjoy reading your posts.
@Kezzie: All in due time... :D
I went a bit nuts over the iron staircases in your previous post, so I am just as happy to see them again in this one.
A few weeks ago I came home from thrifting with a lovely little Gunne Sax number. After showing it to my mom she lamented about not saving all her 70s stuff for my sister and I. Obviously I wish she had, but conversely, I cannot even begin to think about saving clothing for children I may/may not have. Mind boggling.
Wishing you the best now and always, Em!
Oh my gosh, this dress is wonderful, and Moms that saved their awesome clothes are awesome themselves. Mine is amongst them, but sometimes she does the same thing you tell, lamenting she did not saved all of it. Well, I am happy with the (tons of) wonderful things she saved anyway!
This dress looks gorgeous on you, you are wearing it so naturally like it was meant to be. Love it!
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