I confess to being a little uninspired with the blog this week. I've been taking plenty of pictures but somehow I don't have the energy to edit and post them. While I'm very fond of blogging and the online community, it seems to eat up an incredible amount of my time lately. And sometimes it seems a very strange way to spend time, taking pictures of yourself and posting them blown up on a website, and then rushing around the web trying to make people look at them...
In the interests of making this post somewhat practical and not entirely narcissistic, I thought I'd include some tips on what to wear should you find yourself in Mexico City. These probably apply to many large Latin American cities.
-Remember people in general may be conservative and men may be perverts: skirts are often better than shorts, and nothing should be too short
-For the same reason, covering your shoulders/chest will give you more peace, light cover ups are a must!
-Comfortable shoes are also a must, and they should be shoes that won't be destroyed by rain: it rains every afternoon in the summer for a few hours
-Bring an assortment of cardigans or sweaters, the day can fluctuate between hot and cold
and... of course....
Suncreen and Sunglasses!

These pictures were taken our last day in Mexico City. My sister and I delayed our bus until the night to fit in a bit more tourism, but we were thwarted as the famous and impressive Anthropology Museum is closed on Mondays. Argh! Instead, we had a brief photo-op and then ran from an enormous storm that was brewing somewhere in the background of these pictures!

...and yes. The sign reads "muse" and it means muse!
Dress: my sister's
Lace cover-up: Pull and Bear
Hat: the Bay (Canadian department store)
Shoes: Victoria
I love these photos.
And.. I completely relate to you about the blogging thing. It seems like my blog has become a giant leech sucking up my time, and try as I might to keep it from becoming the focus of my day, I usually end up checking at least once a day. It's like... you're grateful for all the lovely readers and love the other blogs, but it's difficult to find balance.
Or maybe I'm entirely off-base? :)
Have a great night dear.
Great photos - I'm the worst traveller as I don't take into account how I dress is perceived in different countries.. I learnt my lesson in Kosovo, yikes!
Thanks for the tips!
You look very cute in your hat.
I agree that blogging can be extremely time consuming. It is much easier than it looks, but at least it is an outlet for expression!
Embracing Style
I love the hat, you are a real cutie! great tips, need a holiday. x
fun pics :) It's sad when you said anthropology museum i thought of the store (rolls eyes)
p.s i'm definitely a follower :)
Cute! I love those green shoes!!
Not sure if Gilt ships internationally...you could check though! :D
I love the first shot! So pretty :). I totally agree with you about blogging being a somewhat strange and time consuming pastime... fun but still... Also, love your packing tips. Dresses are always key too! :)
I love your green shoes, cool packing tips :DD
You look so sweet--love the hat!
P.S. My sister and I are here for 2 weeks and she has to do a lot of research, so a hostel would not be condusive! We're renting an apartment from some French boy... :)
I always enjoy reading tips about what to wear in foreign cities. I guess in a sense it makes me think of what I'd pack were I traveling to some far-off destination.
What a bummer that the Anthropology Museum was closed! The surrounding grounds seem to make up for it in the form of this fun photo shoot. Speaking of fun, your shoes and lace cover-up definitely merit the word :)
What an adorable little hat! I wish I could wear nice chapeaus like yours, but unfortunately, they just do not mesh with my style.
Les Deux - Katie
gosh, what a gorgeous vacation! love the little scallops at the bottom of your dress. :)
These are great tips. My friend is currently in Mexico, and she complains about how cold it gets there this time of year!
You look so sweet in your photos. Love the hat and blouse.
Thanks for following me. I'm following you right back ;)
Oh, and I'm 5"10...the last I checked. I've only recently (3years) just started to embrace my height.
No, I completely agree with the comments you made. But still, blogs are so gosh-darn addicting!
Totally know what you mean about how blogging can be such a drag! It's weird posting pictures of yourself prancing around and trying to look decent in an outfit on the 'net (I don't think i'll ever get over how odd it is!). In fact, I'm always paranoid about people thinking i'm super into myself by posting all those pictures so I always try to incorporate pictures from other facets of my life (where i'm not infront of the lense!)
I always feel so wistful whenever I see your Mexico photos (I'm obsessed!)...one day I shall visit.
A friend told me never to wear flashy jewelry (gold, diamonds) in Mexico unless you wanna get targeted. True or false?
Hmmm, what SMASH writes about the gold/diamond jewellery is also true. It never occurred to me to add that since it would never occur to me to wear flashy jewellery in the first place in such a poor country.
Probably nothing would happen to you in the areas where you'll be spending time as a tourist, whatever you wear, but for your own sense of comfort, and not showing off your riches to people who make $10 a day, I try and scale things down.
haha :) I don't view you as narcissistic; rather, you're sharing traveling photos...which is VERY acceptable and why I like reading your blog. Because I am a traveling FREAK!!!!!!!
Does it get incredibly humid in the region? The whole raining in the afternoon thing makes me think that :)
I went there a long time ago! your trip looks like it was a lot of fun! ^,^
Hopefully your blogging energy returns, I love looking at your posts. And this hat is great.
Also, I just wanted to say thank you for the lovely comments you leave on my blog. They're always so sweet and make my day!
Hi, glad to know you download "The little London", I am sure you will gonna like it. I'm waiting to tell me your opinion about it.
Your honesty and your take on blogging, taking pictures and rushing around the web touches the heart. Some time back, I had totally stopped blogging (taken a break), for the same reason. Now, I have learnt to balance. Yes it does take a lot of time and sometimes hampers one's work.
Your tips are great and useful.
Your "muse" picture is so cute.
great blog!i love discovering other canadian bloggers!
come follow me xoxo
Like the photos...keep posting and will follow you. Been to Mexico but just for two days...not like you...wish could see more.
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