That would be Tequila the place, everyone, and not the beverage, although one thing does often lead to another...
This past Saturday we decided to do an easy day trip from Guadalajara, and Tequila is one of the best-known destinations within an hour or so of the city. We looked into the "Tequila Express" all day, touristy party-train, but balked at the $120 (dollars) per adult fare. Instead we took the local bus, which was the usual ghastly affair (stopping, starting, stopping for twenty minutes, bouncing, blaring horrible Mexican singing with backup provided by a choir of crying children). On the other hand, it did cost $30 return for all of us, so it was well worth it!
Tequila is a strikingly beautiful town, and though the tourist trade has a large presence, it seems to be a force for good here. The buildings are well maintained and painted, and the centre is full of the kind of architecture you imagine all of Mexico to be like: green shady gardens, quiet interior courtyards, and lots of colour.

Blouse: bought in Cuetzalan, Mexico, last year
Shorts: my sister's
Shoes: Aldo
Necklace: Self-made
Earrings: Hand carved from Granville Island, Vancouver
Kimono fabric bag: Hand made on Granville Island, Vancouver
Purple bracelet: That would be from the José Cuervo distillery tour, and not a fashion statement!
Shona wears:
Dress: mine
Shoes: Converse
Bag: Stolen from our mother
Necklace: Mexico City
...and just to make me jealous, impeccable milkmaid braids!
Love both your outfits! It looks sooo fun!
(yea...I look horrible in maxi dresses too, but I still think they are gorgeous on tall people :) )
You look wonderful!!
I had to do a doubletake at the first picture. :)
I love the last pic!
Cool pictures... and I love your style!
(new post: Missoni inspired top & follow me)
Great pics! xx
Looks beautiful! I love your top, and that first shot is awesome! :)
such beautiful photos!
that bird statue is fantastic!
These pictures are really awesome! Tequila looks so beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Love your top by the way.
Embracing Style
you both look so cute!
and you took such amazing photos as well, especially the first one is great!
yes indeed I'm one of those South Tyroleans. As you'll see in the last post of the month I speak also Italian... but my mother tongue is German, i.e. a dialect..
Love the photos and that top is really pretty!
What a great location! Pretty photos! :)
♥ Leia
That place looks amazing! I love how vibrant cities in Mexico seem to be, if only every city would go for bright orange or turquoise buildings!
Also your top is outrageously good! Lovely as always :)
oh wow Tequila looks so hot and well, HOT! I can imagine the all day party train being just as bad as the bus ride so I would have probably chosen the bus as well :)
I love your dress that Shona is wearing and it looks so lovely there--although I'm pretty sure I can't stand the heat!
P.S. So glad someone else gets the reluctance to decorate b/c of travel. So many people keep telling me if I don't start to collect knick-knacks and set up a home, then I just probably won't ever. But moving a ton of crap around with you is expensive and time-consuming!
Cool pics! Sounds like you're having fun!
lovely! and that dress!!!
Tequila looks like a beautiful place. I've seen numerous travel programs on television about it. Your Mexican blouse is very pretty. I like the embroidered birds. Are they symbolic of anything?
RE: I found the Emily TV series to be a major disappointment. I made it through the first 2 seasons, but I doubt if I'll continue watching it. The second sight nonsense was really too much to handle and the addition/retraction of characters irked me to no end. And you're right about Emily. She was portrayed as a brat. So unnecessary. You wouldn't think it would be a series difficult to adapt to screen truthfully. I stuck with it for so long only because I like watching period pieces (even if they end up being cheesy).
Haha, yes, my only gripe about Fall is that it leads to Winter.
Yeesh! Your blog is amazing! Thanks for visiting mine. :) Your photos are so crazy-cool, I don't even know where to begin. I never travel anywhere, so I'm envious! I'll be sure to add you to my blogroll so I can start keeping up with all your awesome adventures!
I love the red detail on your top! It's so pretty. And where you are is soooo pretty! Consider me jealous! I wish I could go someplace as gorgeous and have such a backdrop for pictures :) These are stunnnning!
These are great photos of Tequila! Love the photos of the blue building and railway. Such a contrast in fares!
You and Shona look adorable. Love your blouse and her dress!
Have a lovely weekend!
love that traditional mexican blouse you've got there!
Can I ask, what is your job in Mexico? I see that you've traveled around a lot! I'm really curious as to what your occupation is! :)
This just looks like the most amazing summer. Your blouse is adorable - I love the embroidery.
So glad you linked to this, I always wanted to but n ever made it to this cool place (just a second-rate mini Mezcal factory haha)! What beautiful courtyards & way to go not paying that outragous price for the tequila train! Your description of the buses really made me laugh, so accurate.
The train tracks picture looks like it'd be from a movie & I absolutely love this blouse, actually one I'd seen a few times and always thought about getting! But wow, $6? Was this after some hefty bargaining? Or maybe I just never bargained enough because it made me feel bad with their little kids around. Or did you get lucky and get it from the town that makes them? That always helps a ton! Anyway, you look so so cute & so does Shona, those are great milkmaid braids indeed!
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