I love the city (whichever city that happens to be) but sometimes it's great to get out of it for a weekend, and enjoy some fresh air and a slower pace of life. With that in mind, I flipped through my guidebook to the Guadalajara region and discovered a little place called Mazamitla, described as a small mountain town with pine-scented air, two and a half hours away.
Almost four hours after setting off we arrived (grrr, Mexico) to find a town that has been taken over as a weekend retreat by the middle and upper class of Guadalajara. I've always loved my weekend getaways in Mexico, but this place was just scary! So, for anyone who's interested, here is how you ruin a perfectly lovely little town:

Take a perfectly pretty town square... and then let maniacs on quad bikes tear through it all day and night...

Then, take a pristine mountain forest and fill it with paved-over, orange, american style cabin monstrosities... I'm not kidding!

Oh and get some horses and treat them badly. I wouldn't actually have ridden the horses, as I didn't agree much with their treatment and am, as you can see, quite allergic! But well, it was an hour's walk up hill or twenty minutes of sneezing...
Mazamitla was, to put it nicely, a horrible place and a disaster of tourist development, but we did manage to find a few photogenic angles!

For a day of hiking and horse-riding I wore:
denim capris: Winners
embroidered blouse: Desigual
sneakers: Victoria
earrings: Spank in Vancouver
An ancient sleepover bag from Sears with a beaded dancing man from a craft show : )
...And, in exciting news... I have two wonderful sisters, and one of them is coming to visit me for a month! In fact, I've really got to go figure out how to get to the airport by bus now... but here she is, wearing absolutely ridiculous and absolutely fake Versace sunglasses bought on a beach in Mexico last year!