I mentioned a few posts back that my New Years fashion resolution is to only buy one item per month. The main reasons for this are that I have enough clothes to cover most occasions, but I still love getting new dresses (or whatever). With my travelling lifestyle, clothes are basically the only things I can practically collect, and even with them I'm severely limited as to space/weight, so they may as well be items I love (and then I better wear them). Anyway, if I were to apply my New Years resolution retro-actively, this would be December's dress.

I, (and Albert) love the easy, flattering shape and the bow, but possibly my favourite detail are the three layers of seams along the bottom. It reminds me how dresses used to be made longer and hemmed, then let out as children grew so as to maintain a decent length. Anyway; love. I wore this dress all weekend; to lunch with Albert's grandparents, for two empanada breakfasts in a row, to a restaurant, to a nightclub, to the Sant Antoni Sunday morning book market, for a walk in Raval. I have a more urban lifestyle than the average Nadinoo heroine, but I think this dress couldn't be more perfect for Barcelona's narrow streets, crowded markets, and nighttime warehouse district. I had fun headbanging in the dress too for a while...probably not what it was intended for!

I got a few second-hand books at the market, including scoring the only French copy of a Tintin book I could find. I'm trying to improve (read learn) my French again. People who aren't Canadian always think that we're all perfectly bilingual but um--we're not. Here, people always assume I can speak French (I can't) since I'm Canadian, but also assume since I'm a native English speaker that I can't speak Spanish or Catalan (I can) because everyone knows that English speakers are dumb and can't learn languages. Le grrr. Anyway, I'm trying to learn French again.
dress: Nadinoo, cardigan: car boot sale, necklace: craft fair (gift), shoes: Fly London, pin: Sherlock Holmes museum, London, bag: vintage via Mom