Sooo, these are a bit late... life kind of shot off in all sorts of unexpected directions. And I remembered that my three papers plus some coursework are due next week, after procrastinating all month on them. So I'm holed up being very industrious, or trying to be!

This is what I wore on Easter Sunday, not that I particularly planned it or anything. I was just determined to get this outfit photographed before I left Barcelona, and the weather was not cooperating at all for most of my stay. Still, I'm really happy with this one, which was somewhat inspired by this, from the Nadinoo lookbook. Or I tried, with what was available at hand! The box I'm holding housed a most delicious Easter cake from one of the little pastry shops in the neighbourhood. Mmmm!
So, I should probably quit typing while I'm ahead, but this outfit also brought to mind some other controversies that I've been turning over in my head the last little while. My outfit mostly vintage (either thrifted or courtesy of mom), which is a head to toe look I neither aspire to nor avoid, it just occasionally happens. I kind of feel though, that there's a certain "vintage clique-i-ness" on the subject of vintage these days. What is this obsession with vintage anyway, which when I was growing up, was called "second-hand," and came from the garage sale, and now is "vintage," and costs upwards of £30 for some heinous 70s dress in London?

A huge number of my favourite blogs are vintage blogs, but I guess I just start wondering sometimes why there needs to be a special club of it, and why we can't just celebrate looking good, rather than looking good in vintage specifically. After all, there are plenty of other ways to dress well for cheap. For example: keeping your clothes for years and wearing them over and over again (like our grandparents did). I feel as though vintage gets to occupy some morally superior place in blogland sometimes when really 1. It's no more ecological if you're buying it from ebay or from a vintage shop where it may have been flown or trucked in from wherever and 2. Having lots of old, cheap(ish) stuff is still having lots of stuff, and still feeding our consumerist "buy buy buy!" society. And I include myself in that, of course.
I'd love to know what all you ladies think, vintage or non-vintage! And now that I've alienated everyone, I'll get back to essay # 2!

Photos, by Albert
Oh right: everything vintage, except the Fly London shoes. Bag via Mom. : )