So, I was tagged by Rio of Showers of Sunflowers with the Versatile Blogger Award! While I'm not sure what's versatile, per se about it, I certainly enjoyed learning more about Rio... go check out her blog... and I thought it might be fun. To keep things visual, I'll include a few pictures from a not-quite-photoshoot recently!

The rules are: to tell your readers 7 things about yourself, and then tag seven other bloggers (and inform them, I guess).
So, in no particular order, here goes:
1. I'm dual-citizenship British-Canadian, courtesy of my dad. While this ethnic mix isn't very surprising, it's been awesome for me! The British passport allows me to work all over the European Union. (Americans: you can work anyway... I had loads of illegal American friends in Barcelona and some of them made more money than me; life was just a tad more stressful).
2. I'm writing a children's novel, with the plan to become the next J.K. Rowling (joke). It's about two children in Vancouver, one local and one a foreigner, who stumble into a parallel forest-Vancouver world where the people all have tree-features and where there are strange and valuable hybrid animals (such a spirit bear-Chinese lion mix) that represent are mixed-up culture and imaginations). I'm currently proofreading the first draft, so obviously I'd much rather be doing my blog!
3. I have two younger sisters, one is on the waitlist for a nursing program and the other studies human rights.

4. I'm completely commitment-phobic with regards to life decisions. My transient lifestyle would stress a lot of people out, including me, but I simply can't stand the thought of living anywhere too long.
5. Erm, I really hate it when people leave comments like, "Cute!!!! Come follow my blog!!!!" You are of course allowed to mention your blog in comments sections, but if you're on my blog let's at least pretend the conversation is about that! ; )
6. I'm a terrible and nervous driver. I had to learn standard recently in South Africa and I did, but I was terrified 100% of the time, managed to scratch the rental car before I left, and am sooooo glad to be back to walking/biking again.
7. If you're still with me, this is an official announcement! I'm moving to London to start a Masters degree in three weeks. This was kind of decided over the weekend (commitment-phobia) when the Admissions department finally decided I was European enough to pay local fees. I'm excited, and really nervous!

On an entirely unrelated note, don't you love how these earrings look silhouetted against the sky. Very skeletal I think! I always think of them as leaves (and they are) but a friend of mine once pointed out that they could also be hearts... the anatomical kind.
Ok, I'm going to pass this on to:
1. Anthea of Embracing Style
2. Emily of Resplendent Tranquility
3. SMASH of Milk Teeths
4. Diana of Dressed Up Alligators
5. Kiran of Fitnesolution
6. Abi of Style Bouquet
7. and last but not least, the mysterious, nameless lady behind A Closet Fashionista!
You ladies are of course under no duress to do this yourselves, but I'd be delighted to know seven things about each of you!

By the way, for anyone more interested in the travel, rather than the style, aspect of this blog, feel free to hop over to my other blog, Emily in Europe. It's woefully behind the times, but I'm planning on giving it some TLC this week!
Thanks for tagging me. Would certainly do the tag.
Ok I think that earrings are leaves not heart.
Wow you staring your masters. All the Best.
Done your tag on my blog.
Wow! A Master degree in London! Lucky girl.
You are SO lucky to be moving to London! I hope you'll have some time to share pictures with us although it sounds like you'll be busy.
How exciting about your move! Congratulations! I do love those earrings against the sky, and your teal belt too! Also, thanks for the link back! :)
você vai mudar?? que legalll :)
agora passei aqui pra falar que adorei as fotos e seu look !
Ooh, love these facts!! So cool learning more about you!!! :D
And heee, maybe I should reveal my name in my facts when I do this ;)
I'm so envious of your amazing move!!! You'll find so many adventures. And I was so excited to hear about the book you're writing! ;) I'm working on a few short stories, and I'd love to toss around ideas with you?
We will wait for pictures of London Ms. World Traveler.
Nice to meet you fellow Canadian!
Look us up if you are ever in Brighton.
wow! beautiful pictures! welcome to blogging! I am your new follower! :D
love, polly
Congratulations on your Masters acceptance! And heading off to London, no less. Your pot of Yorkshire tea will never be empty :)
Emily, your children's novel sounds nothing short of amazing. Best wishes as it progresses!
Thank you for tagging me. I'm not averse to such things, so perhaps one of these days I'll come up with seven bits to share. Oh, and I totally see how your leaf earrings could be seen as anatomical hearts. The veins are a little ambiguous.
stunning charming dress.
this is the first time i visit your blog
your outfit is so adorable here
and good luck for your master degree! :)
lovely dress and very nice pics :)
DaisyLine from http://daisyline.blogspot.com/
Wow! you'll love it in London! It's such an amazing city!
I'm horribly jealous of your nomad lifestyle too! You seem to have such a cool life! I'm working now to save money to travel (I just got a job as an elf in a christmas grotto he he!) but I'm not too sure where I want to go or what to do :( I was wondering if you had any advice on where to go seeings as you're quite an experienced traveller ;) xxx
ps you're dress is beautiful!
First off, I love the skinny teal belt against the very white palette of your dress. Agree with the contrast of earrings and sky, actually I do love those earrings!
As for the seven things:
- My sister (and BFF and Mom) is a nurse too and my other BFF is a human rights lawyer
- I'm suppose to have dual cit (yay, Canada) but the other country wouldn't recognize me as such, at the moment
- I suppose I won't ask you to follow me! ha ha! I actually think its a lil' rude. I would never ask... I would beg! =)
I'm trying to follow you but don't know how!
I can't wait for all the london pics!! :) And I can't stand when people tell me to go look at their blog either. I usually don't. oops!
I'm excited for your impending move to London! Can't wait to follow your newest adventure :)
oooh. how cute is that dress?!!
(new post: Feature | I've been JINXED & follow me)
As usual, I love your outfit. I am always a fan of light white dresses. They're comfy, easy and pretty. What more could you ask for.
I enjoyed learning things about you. Can't wait to read that novel :)
I also can't wait to see your pictures of London!
Thanks for tagging me. :) I must remember to do a post like this!
amazing pictures.
i like it !
Congratulations!! I wish you the best of luck! I actually applied to a couple of grad schools in london and in glasgow, and will find out if I get in sometime in January!
P.S. I looove your dress!
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