I've been in half a mind about whether to post these photos or not. On the one hand, they were taken in low light, and are accordingly slightly fuzzy. On the other, I love the mood, which perfectly captures some early evenings in my little room. I actually took two sets of pictures, one set with flash and one without. But by the time I'd finished grubby-ing up the flash pictures enough to recreate the low-light atmosphere, they were almost as fuzzy as the originals...
I'm interested to know what you all think: are they too fuzzy to post, or does it not bother you? And does anyone have any tips on low-light photography (keeping in mind that I don't have a DSLR or anything like that). I suppose an intermediary solution would be to buy more little lamps. Or just organize my time better and shoot during daylight hours!

Moving on, I'll just spare some love for the tartan lumberjack shirt. I nearly got rid of this years ago, and my mother wisely saved it from the chopping block. It's a proper man's lumberjack shirt, given to my mother many years ago by a friend of my grandfather's. It's pure wool and about the coziest thing ever. I've been living in it, though I've given it a bit of a break since one of my flatmates commented that it and my plaid pyjamas were a headache-causing combination!

shirt: old, hand-me-down
belt: Spitalfields market
skirt: Urban Outfitter's (stolen from my sister)